Yeah I think this might be the Josh from the evil universe.
Yeah some people suck and never learned manners.
Here’s the one time I had a substantial beard. It was fun for a while, but I doubt I’ll grow one again. Unless I live to 100 or something, because at that age you shouldn’t have to shave anymore.
And yes, I’m multiple flavors of nerd. Trying to pull off a Riker here.
The best thing about a beard is that when you eventually shave it off you look instantly 5-10 years younger
TNG red shirts aren’t as bad as TOS. Red shirts are the command color in TNG.
I really enjoyed practicing all these lines and realizing I can pull them off with some practice.
But, even playing Hysteria in tempo my wife says “It sounds like bass”
Yup, wife votes are the only beard votes that count.
Love it! Make it so.
Haha yep, and I’m finally getting to the age where that’s desirable!
Yeah, I’m pretty guilty of doing the Entwistle “why am I here” gaze. I’ll be sure to stage dive in front of her and give her a solid “o” face sometime!
I’m down to a goatee now, If I rock the full beard, too many people call me Santa. This was last year at a renaissance fair.
I can see it.
I can confirm the two at the start are true. A lot of people like them.
The reason I have taken bass playing up again after a hiatus of a quarter century is the bass solo in Vavilon (Kipelov). Sooo beautiful. If I ever manage to nail that, I’ll be a happy girl.
That bass line holds up well in the symphonic arrangement!
First time I’ve heard of Kipelov. Like them, I do. Here’s the original album version for other newbies like me. The singer/BL/founder is Valery Kipelov and the bassist is Alexey Harkov.
And a full 2-hour concert. Vavilon (Babylon) starts at 12:00.
I’m glad you like them. Yes, metal songs with symphonic orchestra = pure joy.
Modern-day Wagnerian opera. Is there a more metal opera than the “Ring des Nibelungen” suite, often referred as just “The Ring”? I’ve seen the entire around 20 hours live. F’ me! It helps that I speak German, but it’s not necessary.
The four parts, performed over 4 nights.
Das Rheingold (The Rhinegold)
Die Walküre (The Valkyrie)
Götterdämmerung (Twilight of the Gods)