7 Reasons Cliff Burton F***ing ROCKS (+Bass Lesson Tips)

@kwt7667 Thanks for the link Stewmac is expensive. I will get some more of this stuff.


Hey Josh, I actually went and bought the Squier PJ starter pack after seeing you use this bass. I have had some higher end basses before, but sold off all my stuff when the start of Covid 19 in the world, caused me to re-evaluate my then excessive GAS! I am loving the bass and even the Rumble 15 amp. I did have the Rumble 40 & the same white jazz bass that you have reviewed, which were great. Sure this bass is not a high level instrument( mine doesnt seem to hum), but I am actually finding that liberating! I am more likely to pick it up and don’t feel so foolish for having what was described to me, in a nice way as “All the Gear & No Idea!”. This was true, I had 3 amps, effects pedals, ±10 basses at one point, but I realised that I was still basically a beginner that couldn’t actually play. Finally just getting stuck back into my B2B course and actually slowing down and really taking it all in this time, finding it so helpful and the amount of information and presentation is fantastic.
Love your 7 Reasons video’s, also glad that you are picking players that you actually dig & not just doing the usual suspects Jaco, Jamerson, etc.
Your BassBuzz YT video’s are just awesome! Thanks


That’s great you ditched some gear to focus on fundamentals Leonard! A good player can make one bass sound better than a not-so-good player with as many basses as their credit card will allow for. :slight_smile:

Can’t promise I won’t do Jaco or Jamerson someday, love those guys too!


You are spot on, as usual Josh! Look forward to some Jaco, Jamerson or Duck Dunn, so many greats to choose from!


This is probably as good a place as any to post this: