Goofing around with the knobs is real fun.
I made a little sheet to, hopefully, help get you started on trying out different combinations and listening for differences in what the two different pieces - bass and amp - can do with each other.
This is NOT by any means a reference or bible or rule for how to set things up. It’s just some beginning suggestions.
The take away is (as has been nicely covered by these rad other folks here):
The bass can change the most, and can change song to song.
The amp is something you adjust - hopefully once - per situation (gig/rehearsal) to set it for the best possible sound to accommodate the music and the room, and to get your sound and volume to work with the rest of the instruments and environment.
Bass adjustments might be drastic - things all the way up or down depending on the song or the vibe - amp adjustments are usually moderate - between 9 o clock and 3 o clock on the dial, and usually hovering around 12.
Try some of these out, and see if you connect to the controls and the different things they do to the sound.