And now the end is near

How did/would you feel at this point? I certainly have mixed feelings as I have taken 9 months to get here. Part of me is saying “You can get this done by Friday and deserve an end of course treat” Another is saying “No rush, you’re just going to do half the course again anyway”. I am certainly going to have to structure what I do next.


I was there a week ago. Finished now. The last lessons are shorter than the others so it won’t take you long!

Took me a year to do it all, but loved the journey. Going to work more on theory and constructing songs now and just playing more.


I remember slowing down towards the end just because I didn’t want it to be over. Make sure you do the “test” at the end where you go back to the specific workouts to test your skills. It is very rewarding to see your own progress when workouts you used to struggle with have since become simple.


it’s not the end, it’s the beginning.


The last modules are some of the best!


BassFaceDisgrace. Very True


Definitely bittersweet. I remember feeling a little sad the course was about to be over, and also a little intimidated about what to do next. I ended up moving on to some TalkingBass theory courses (Chord Tones and Scales) which helped me understand the bass and its role in music a lot better. The last couple months I’ve kind of been in limbo with no structured practice, mostly just trying to learn as many songs in different styles as I can. The Beyond Badass thread has a ton of great suggestions of where to go next. Congrats and good luck on the journey!


When you’re done with the course, make a list of your favorite songs you wish to learn and then try to learn them by ear (or tab if you find correct one) and post your covers here. When you pick songs try to find ones that contain techniques you wish to improve on.

You will soon realize that this is just a beginning and you have a long way ahead of you but you’ll have great fun on the journey.


Bjams. I will definitely have a look at that thread


I’ve been working at the course for a while with a few stoppages. I’m certainly taking my time, preferring quality over speed. Josh is a great teacher.


I think what makes this course unique in my mind is that it can really take you from a dead standstill to bass competency, or even bad-assery if you work at it. When I bought the course (DVD set), I thought I had a shot, but to be honest I am truly surprised at what I have achieved. I am no master, but at least I am competent and I can visualize what I can achieve. With more time and effort…yeah, I can be bad-ass.

Thanks @JoshFossgreen !!


There’s always the option, as I am currently doing to repeat the whole course from the beginning. I finished the course and a week later started right back at lesson 1.
You can skip through the stuff you’re on top of, but there are little nuggets buried in there that the second time round I’m more receptive to.
For example Module 14 using the drum loop with missing drum beats to work on your timing is now part of my daily practice routine.
I read about the concept in Victor Wooten’s book ‘The Music Lesson’ but second time round I was in the right place mentally to really work on it.
Plus you’ve already paid for it so it’s effectively free :slight_smile:


It’s true. In the beginning you don’t know what you don’t know, and you certainly can’t form questions or wonder about all the specifics. But, as you begin to master the material, you become ready for those “little nuggets” from Josh’s experience. For that reason, I like to watch both of Josh’s channels, even for material that’s well beyond me…even that is accessible enough for me to wonder, and maybe perchance integrate it into my skill set.


@terb I couldn’t have said it any better :metal:


I wanted Josh to be my bass teacher for life!
There are a few threads here about how to fill the void, and, how not to (in some folk’s view).
It certainly is the beginning overall.


@alexmorrison14 Maybe you should sign-up to the 100 week challenge thing we’re doing? I just finished the course myself so that’s what I did this. To have some structure and play with others working on the same song.


@JT I saw your thread and seems a good idea for some. I have been compiling a list of songs I would love to play which are quite challenging and a few songs I’ve started to learn or will be soon. There are probably half a dozen from the 50 in all honesty, but good luck with it.


I agree @alexmorrison14. @JT’s challenge is a good idea and I support it 100%, as I’m sure it will help people who need some sort of structure and motivation. For me, however, it’s a bit TOO MUCH structure. I have my setlist that I created, which I constantly add to or delete from, comprised of songs that I love, or sometimes an old song that pops up on Pandora while I’m driving and I add it to my list.
I learn and record my choices of what song I want to at my own leisure, and the only motivation is my excitement as I learn the song and hear it as it develops. I may finish one cover in a month or two or three.
Again, I support the challenge that @JT created and will assist in any way I can. It’s just not for me.


Key is to keep playing. The 50 songs thing is just a bit of fun and people are welcome to join in when and if they please. Just enjoy whatever you do with the bass. :slight_smile:


Absolutely! :metal: