Another Dumb Q: How to play slur marks?

Legato is playing two notes that are connected without any articulation between. Glissanso is playing all the notes between two notes without any articulation.

So, a glis from an A to a D on the E-string would involve sliding between the two while each note in between sounds. But a A-Dslur only has two notes sounded–the A and the D, with there being only articulation on the A.


Thanks @howard @Old_WannaBe - I think I’ve more or less got it :+1:

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There can be articulation on both notes with legato phrasing - and on some instruments there has to be - but the key is that the notes overlap, one running in to the next, with no gap.

So it’s not just hammerons and pulloffs; it can also be two plucked notes.

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Awesome; that’s what I really wanted to know…trying to learn some Bach stuff and was wondering how else to play it; makes total sense now if I can just playing the running 16th notes without choking off the previous note. No way in hell you could tap and hammer all of that stuff.

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It is kinda weird, because a slur on other instruments does not sound like a hammer on or pull off at all. Maybe its the ‘best that bass can do’.
On a fretless a slur would better match say a sax by simply sliding up to the note quickly without plucking on the new note, etc. A bit harder to do on fretted but could still do.
It is what it is I guess.

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Besides, sliding from one fret to another on a bass is just cool AF anyway and sounds badass XD


Yep for sure. Entire songs can be in legato; it’s not just for two adjacent notes :slight_smile:

Like I said, they’re called different things on different instruments. A slide is called a glissando on a trombone when it’s technically a portamento because you’re hitting all the notes in-between but it’s not so much the notes that you hit as your intent. A gliss is an intentional slide between two notes, a portamento is an ornamentation.

A slur means a smooth transition between two notes. For most wind instruments, a slur is accomplished by fingering multiple notes while keeping the air moving and not tonguing in between them. That is in essence the same as a hammer-on and pull-off.