Are You Plucking the Wrong Way? (Raking v. Alternating Showdown)

It’s quarter notes at 130 but can’t be sloppy. It’s kinda a jazzy walking bass but a little sideways (due to who’s music it is).
Have to go to F on the E (1st fret) after so not too bad. Just need it clean and in time.


Bar with ring finger (roll it, really) if you can’t get all 3 at the same time, just roll with the rake. Rolling will help with Muting and Ring out
This way you can fret F with Index finger

Yeah, I can roll it pretty easily with Pinky or Ring. I raked with Middle Finger then micro shift to first finger on E and pluck with Index.

If you had to play it super clean, like for recording or just because.
Make a chord like shape with Pinky on the F, and ring on the C. (like 1 fret up from starting Billie Jean).
And kind of SUS the cord the G with your 2nd finger (for me it is easier to start with two fingers down, and as I Rake thru, I can pull off my Pinky, and drop the Middle onto the G while raking thru the C.
Hope that made sense.
If you can’t figure it out, you would use all 4 fret fingers.

That is if you need that extra control from fretting with the tips of your fingers.


Great video @JoshFossgreen - love the Street Fighter style. Of course the most impressive part was single-finger plucking Girls On Film :slight_smile:

Blonde Josh was also totally reminding me of Todd The Vegan from Scott Pilgrim.


So I’ve put a bit of time into this now and raking actually makes a lot of sense in some circumstances.
Once I broke the I/m muscle memory it actually feels really natural , the clunkiness has gone and this technique has really added some fluidity I guess it’s like using a pick there’s a time and a place , really thankful for this video @JoshFossgreen


I rake all the time. When I was playing guitar, I was trying to learn sweeping and I think raking is a natural extension of that. I do it cleanly, with no extraneous noises going on. I can do it fast and actually make it sound good. One of the only things that do sound good when I play lol.


Absolutely great video. Had me genuinely laughing, all whilst learning. Bravo :smiley:


I miss street fighter :slight_smile:


Follow up question about raking/alternate plucking.

If you have a fast passage involving the same frets on multiple strings. Say: 12-10 on the G, D, and A strings. After you pluck the first G with your middle finger, do you try and time it so that by the time your index finge rhas plucked the F on the G-string, your middle finger is “raking” through to pluck the D or do you leave your middle finger resting on the D string after the very first pluck and then raise and pluck it again after the index has plucked the F on the G-string?

I hope this makes sense–So is it a “hard” M-I/M-I. Or does the middle kind of float between the strings on the index so that you are plucking on the next string down with the same “sweep”?


If I’m understanding your question - for me, the middle finger leaves the D string when the index plucks the G. That motion is way too ingrained for me to modify it to pin the middle to the D string during that index pluck on the G - plus at that point you might as well just rake with the index.


Hi Josh! Awesome video. I do the beast exercise everyday. I have been alternate picking, but should I be raking when descending since the notes are grouped in 3s?


Hey @alperenver! I think raking and alternating are both good options. Since it’s an exercise and not actual music, it’s useful to workout with both approaches so you have more flexibility when you’re playing actual music.

That said, my tendency is definitely to rake on that one!


Will do Josh. I’ll rotate between alternate and raking every few days. Thanks again Josh I really appreciate it.


Your graphics are awesome. (fistbump)


These graphics rule.