Basic Beginner Bassist Recommendations

I’ve found that cats tend to go for the the thing you love the most!


Should that be Golden Earring?

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Yeah, autocorrect strikes again


I hate it with a passion @Wombat-metal .
When I write my grocery list I’ll alter things so many times the temptation to launch my phone into outer space is almost too tempting. Since when do Ben and Jerry make I’ve Cream :joy:

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on an iPhone:

Settings → General Settings → Keyboard → Auto-Correction → off :slight_smile:

Also delete all the text replacements.

There you go :slight_smile:

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Done :white_check_mark:
Thank you @howard

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Never used it.
Hell, at my age it’s all I can do to figure out which button to press to turn my phone on :slightly_smiling_face:


It defaults to “on” for Apple devices. No one tries to turn it on :slight_smile:

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Hi all.

I bought my bass about a week ago and I just started the B2B path, but i studied piano for more than 10 years when i was young, even attended a couple of exams to Music High School here in Italy at that, so the suggestions i think i can give on the Basic Beginner Bassist Recommendations have very little to do with bass per se but come from my past (a bit too far away) experience with practicing with an instrument and those are:

  1. take it slow and easy. We are not in a rush and it is way better to learn things the right way than to have to come back to correct our mistakes or bad habits. That is what my teachers always said and i have to admit when i was young i didn’t give them the credit they deserveed … but those were good suggestions and they were right;

  2. practice every day, even a little bit. 10 minutes per day every day will do more than 2 hours once or twice a week. And have I to remember than when you are practicing for 10 minutes they often become 20-30 minutes :slight_smile: ?

  3. don’t be discouraged if you don’t see immediate progression. It takes time but time will come when things simply “click”. It happened on my piano keyboard, and I’m sure it’ll happen on my bass fretboard :slight_smile:

Have a good day :slight_smile:


You can get Kmise locks that are a copy of schaller s locks for about $15 and cheaper if you buy a set of 4.

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I’ve got a set of them on my 5 string and they’re very good @sshoihet

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You’re overpaying I think. Dunlop Strap Locks $21 on Canadian Amazon

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I use Dunlops. And Fenders. Dunlops are really easy to operate. Fenders are much better in visual design, but handling isn’t nearly as smooth as Dunlops.

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Those “Fenders” are basically Schallers - Fender stole their design, it seems :slight_smile:

Schaller has made them since the '60s.


Agreed, @howard . . . same design, but slight difference in materials. The Schallers have a metal “tooth” inside whereas Fender uses plastic.

I touched upon this point a couple of times in my topic on Squier V.M. '70s Jazz Bass vs American Ultra Jazz Bass

See this post and others before it:



I can +1 every word @howard said about the Schaller strap locks. A must have and IMHO better than any other lock system. Had them on my Strat in 1974 and ever since .


I was referring to Schaller strap locks not Dunlop, Fender or Kmise. :slightly_smiling_face:

I was also referring to current prices for Schaller strap locks and not not what I paid for mine.

Back in the mid 70’s I purchased 15 sets of Schaller strap locks at a Music store bankruptcy sale for a lot price of $100. A lot of money in those days. I still have 3 sets left and have had no issues with the ones on my acoustic and electric guitars after all these years.

When I took up ukulele 6 years ago I used these for aesthetic reasons more than anything else.

They work very well on a low weight ukulele but I am not so sure about using them on a 10 pound Bass. Also, the constant bending when taking the strap on and off may be an issue over time but so far so good. :slightly_smiling_face:


Sure but for a beginner you don’t have to pay $37. Fender’s copy of the Schaller is almost half that price.

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But is it the same quality. As @Jazzbass19 said

I have seen three strap failures on guitars. On two of them the headstocks broke right off. On the third there did not seem to be any damage.

The bottom line is you should use a strap lock, of some kind, to protect your investment :slightly_smiling_face:

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Actually, this is the bottom line…


sorry, couldn’t resist a little humor.