Bass Porn

Should be safe as long as there’s no fish involved :joy:


Dude. I hope you see it was not a necessity to use that word. And no, I’m not just complaining, I’m actually under 13. There are no age restrictions on BassBuzz. The least @studio could do would be changing the name.
And yes I do see and understand what the meaning was, but there are many, many other words that could’ve been used.

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(lame Cure album name joke deleted :slight_smile: )


I just showed you the alternative meaning is child safe and non-sex related. So you being a minor does not justify it. Words shouldn’t be offensive, how they are used might be.

Ofc there’s no necessity, but we could say that for literally everything. Even about bass playing techniques. Hammer ons and pops are not necessary, hell, even slap is not necessary. But the articulation gives color and texture. (hello swear swords, and substitutes like gosh and darn it). “Bass porn” conveys a meaning that other expressions wouldn’t. I know maturity has a role to play in this concept, and in the future you will realize that.

I’m assuming you’re a fan of Davie. Spoiler alert, some of his jokes are not child friendly, do you ask him to avoid them?

What you say about @studio applies to you also. If you take offense with this specific thread name, the least you can do is avoiding it.

In any case it’s not my place to decide whether it should be changed or not. And I won’t enter an internet argument over this, although my opinion on the matter is blatantly obvious. There’s already too much to worry about in the world we live in.


I don’t actually watch Davie. I also realize that it adds a texture. I’ve made my point and I get yours. We just have different opinions. I won’t continue, I think we understand each other.


I got my assumption from this post

Not an attack, but I think it’s important to clarify I don’t make assumptions on anyone without something to base on.

Regarding this discussion, I think it’s better to agree to disagree and let’s talk about what gathered us here. Bass.

@Krescht not the fish.


I watch his old videos where he doesn’t talk, sorry for the misunderstanding I should’ve been more clear.


Judge is in session - the original title stands. :man_judge::guitar:

For everyone’s reference - if you ever think something needs to be changed, deleted, or anything else, just use the flag function and it’ll come straight to me to check out. Or you can PM me directly. Thanks!


I agree, the bass centre in Melbourne has an area on their webpage which also shows plenty of Bass Porn, great viewing, the world is getting soft.
Political correctness gone mad👍
Cheers Brian


Here here!!! Next we’re gonna have to ban the term “Slap bass” because someone thinks it promotes domestic violence… where does it end? Should we change the name of that little piece of bone at the end of your fretboard? ; )


No need for sarcasm.


In an attempt to steer this thread back to bass porn: here’s a modded Schecter Stiletto Stealth 4 that I saw on reddit earlier this week. I think it’s a beauty.


Nice setup there :heart_eyes:


The real star in that photo is the pedalboard :slight_smile:


Exactly! Must be the most organized one I’ve ever seen :joy:


I have exactly this one as a 5-string :smiley: got it for Christmas, absolutely in love


A true beauty!
Edit: just looked at the site, these things are only like $500! Another thing to add to the never getting it list…


I’m still trying to figure out what the pedal between the Rat and the Alpha/Omega Ultra is.

About $700 of Darkglass alone on that board, between the A/O Ultra and the Elements. And I respect someone that runs an A/O, a Rat, and a Metal Zone. I want to hear those cranked all at the same time. I suspect at least two others of those are dirt too. I like this person.


From the setup, that might be some kind of fuzz, but there’s that acid green pedal as well that’s complicating things :sweat_smile:


Found the reddit.

Black pedal below it is this:

He’s using it to only send the high end to the Rat and Metal Zone.

he doesn’t mention the others though.

The acid green one is a MXR Carbon Copy delay.
The one next to it is an EHX Small Stone phaser.

but no idea what the blue/black beauty is.

man, what a board :slight_smile: