Bass Porn

I’m howlin, dawg! :joy:


White Rick!
Sold in minutes over on talk bass yesterday….


we need to reach a consensus whether it’s Rick or Ricky :grin:

(in another thread. someday. :joy:)




you’re such a


I always thought it’s a Bucker, lol


FINALLY, actual bass porn….a bass called the BIG STUD


Here are some of my family members.


Although the Black Ricky was adopted by Mac @Mac ,
and i bought the EBMM Stingray to replace him :+1:


Oh I love the red ricky


The red Rick is even better than the photo.
I love my black Rick having said that. Very Lemmy :sunglasses:


Oh man, take those covers off and I love it.
Of course, if you like the covers, keep them on, but for me, they have to go.


Ended taking mine back off :+1:


@T_dub … “lava pearl” looks orange to me…


Is this the ‘mood ring’ of the bass world?
Pretty cool…


And it’s a burst no less :smiley: An opal burst p’raps?


i had never seen lava pearl until this month when several started popping up on reverb. funny cuz i saw an old thread saying how every used EB is in lava pearl. must have been a popular color a few years ago.


Yeah, Orange with a cool name.

I still don’t know how I feel about Bongo’s. I need to play one before I decide.


I don’t think it photos well, more red orange by all accounts. I would like to hear your thoughts if you could find a place to demo one. :+1:


I never noticed one at the local Guitar Center in Fountain Valley, but I did see one of two at the Guitar Center in Mission Viejo, last year, when I bought my Ray4, and it was a few days after Guitar Center re-opened for in store shopping (and I use that term, shopping, loosely), and they only let 10 parties in the store at any time, with a line out the door, around the corner (6 foot spacing), AND when you got in the store, you got a dedicated staff member to walk you around, and not like concierge service, like, hurry the F up, and pick what you want, and GET THE F OUT OF THE STORE.
I had a hard enough time getting my Ray4 there, so there was no way that they were gonna pull one of the Bongo’s, or EBMM Stingrays down, unless I said I was buying it.
I got in a fight with the kid in charge of the line, because when I was .ike 20 feet from the door, and probably about 10 feet from anybody else, he told me to put my mask on or get out of the line.
It was hot out, and I was already sweating, so putting the mask on, only escalates the face sweat. Anyway, he was very persistent, and a huge A hole, but anyway.

Then I got inside and went to find the bass (the computer at the Fountain Valley store said they had 3 in blue), and it was not on the wall. I had to teach the staff kid that, just because it is not on the wall, doesn’t mean they don’t have it in the back, and he went and found one, to his surprise (duh), but when he opened the box, which was clearly marked BLUE, out came a black one. Good thing they had 3, right.
You would think, but he brought out the 2nd box marked BLUE, and pulled out a Black one.
3rd box marked BLUE, but out came another black one.

Next, I had to explain about 10 times, speaking slower each time, that I wanted them to call another store (The Block in Orange), because it SAID they had 2 BLUE ones, but I wanted them to call and have somebody open the box and make sure it was actually blue.
Then, I had to explaing again, slowly, that I wanted to PAY for it, at THIS store, but pick it up from THAT store.
Because I don’t want to wait in another 90 minute line.
Just order it online, and then you can pick it up.
I have cash
Oh, Hmmmm, IDK if we can do that.
I said, you can order me any bass on the computer if I pay for it, and have it shipped to the store, so I know you can place the order here and set it up for pick up there.
Hmmmm, Let me get somebody.
Here we go again.
Explain it all over another 3 times.
Finally, they took my money (cash, because I sold two other basses, and didn’t want to spend money from my account, just spend the cash), and placed the bass on order there.
They said, in about 2 hours it will process, and you will get an e-mail, and gave me a receipt.
Do you think I got an e-mail in 2 hours, NO. Checked the website, and said PROCESSING.
I waited another hour, and same, so I drove to that store, and had to explain the situation at the front of the line 10 times, so the guy didn’t think I was cutting. Showed him the receipt, he asked, are you trying to return something.
OMG, what a pain, but in the end, I got my bass, and it is my favorite bass, so, URG, guess it was worth it.

I would probably have a better chance playing yours, then one at a Guitar Center, so IDK. Maybe Al will let me play one of his sometime.