Good job so far. I suggest you find a couple of songs practice on and put the lessons down for a couple of days.
I found it far more enjoyable play music versus taking lesson. Once you get your confidence is, jump into less than 13.
Good job so far. I suggest you find a couple of songs practice on and put the lessons down for a couple of days.
I found it far more enjoyable play music versus taking lesson. Once you get your confidence is, jump into less than 13.
thanks for this link, it’s a gold mine
Very true. Can be a struggle or feel like we have to rush.
This so very true @eric.kiser. I used to be a ski instructor. About 50% of my time with adult beginners wasn’t anything to do with skiing. Rather the pop psychology of dealing with the fact that for the first time in a very long time they totally sucked at something. Not sucked a little bit. I mean totally sucked
One of the drills we used to teach in the first lesson was standing on one leg and balancing in heavy ski boots (it’s a stepping stone to the more advanced skill of moving your feet around under the body to keep the centre of mass balanced. Especially as we ski faster and have to deal with centripetal force). Then doing the same thing but closing your eyes. This one guy had a little mini tantrum / breakdown because he couldn’t do it.
We’re so used to applying the skills we’ve learned as kids (running, jumping, catching things) that we assume learning a new motor skill can’t be that difficult. It is and it’s OK to suck in the beginning.
I am really hoping it is ok to continue to suck, otherwise I have a lot of stuff to sell.
Right? I got the same issue.
I had a piano teacher tell me something a while ago and it has helped me tremendously whenever I hit an inevitable plateau while learning: it’s never a plateau. Many people think that learning and/or development is a relatively smooth slope. It’s not. It’s an uneven stairway that was designed and built by a cross-eyed gorilla.
Your progress comes in sudden leaps preceded and followed by a feeling of plateauing. The trick is to make sure you constantly challenge yourself. That will always shorten the plateau and, before you know it, you’ll be at the next step up.
This is a really cool topic!!
Most times a focus towards “Perfectionism” can feed into “Frustration”… I know first hand because my wife constantly reminds me of how “Perfect” I am which in turn"Frustrates:" the hell outta her!!
And This…!!!
Keep on Thumpin’!
Oh I like this.
I DEFINITELY want to do it again. There is so much content I haven’t conquered.
I had no idea about this LooperTube!!! LOL This could be life changing when I figure it out!
It’s fun! The hard part is self restraint when increasing your speeds I catch myself trying to jump from 85% to 100% and usually get thrown for a loop.
Like others said, give yourself grace and enjoy the moment
Some really fantastic observations here. This is where this forum shines.
I have one additional thought which may or may not apply to the OP, but certainly slows down my progress from time to time: Focus on a small, manageable number of goals or issues at a time. Don’t spread yourself too thin by getting distracted by the latest frustration. There are SO MANY areas to try to improve and master: I need to improve my left hand technique! I want to start reading music! I want to master scales! I need to memorize all the major notes on the entire fretboard! I need to perfect my alternate plucking! My fills suck and I want them to flow off my fingers without even thinking about them! etc. etc. etc.
You need to ignore 90% of these goals at any one time and focus on one or two until you nail them, then move on to the next challenge.
You’re doing fine. If you are on module 12, you’ve already demonstrated that you have the self-discipline and perseverance to succeed.
I just used LooperTube for Oct 33 (Black Pumas) and WOW WOW WOW! It is exactly what I needed. I went from totally frustrated to “OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH, that is what it is!” AMAZING, amazing tool. I can’t thank you enough for sharing it!! Waaaaaahooooooooooooo.
One of the best ways to improve is to play with other people who know more than you. It’s made it WAY more fun when get in that groove with another musician. You can do this. Play on, you’re doing great!
Welcome @Jonathan144 ! Thanks, but I’m not able. I do get where youre coming from, and i fully agree with your statement.
I’ve always been pretty envious of those who can be around other people.