Best bass for travel?

As I’m going to be travelling next week, these are some pictures of how I prepare my Blackstar for the voyage:

This is the bass, on it’s “custom made” neopren bags:

First I remove the bridge.
I replaced the wood screws with “normal” screws and thread inserts to have a travel-friendly solution.
I know, nobody will like removing the bridge, but with the threaded inserts this is no problem. The alternative would be unwinding the strings at the head - which resulted in broken strings after 10-20x doing that in the past.

Then I remove the neck.
Note that here I also replaced the wood screws with something better, using threaded inserts. After many time removing the neck, the wooden screws simply don’t hold anymore…

Next, I put everything into the neopren bags.

And finally I put the disassembled bass into my luggage. It would also fit in hand luggage, but that is full of other stuff already.

Usually I take either my Spark Mini or Spark GO with me.
This time I will take my JBL Charge and an iRig HD2 as well as my Fender Mustang Micro.

Reason: the Sparks are great but are not good as audio interfaces, as they add substantial latency in DAW or Tonelib Jam mode. And I want to do some DAW-related stuff on the beach :slight_smile:

EDIT Correction: my IRIG HD2 just died and I found out that my Fender Mustan Micro is only an INPUT audio interface. That s#cks!
Another reason to get the Katana GO, I guess.

Now I will be travelling with the Spark Mini, play my music via Bluetooth and enjoy no latency for my bass at least. Meh!