Billie Jean fretting tips, tricks or hacks?

This is the closest I got: So that's how the world knows Josh! - #9 by juli0r
I don’t think he’ll ever reveal the story behind the tat. And if he does I’ll just keep wondering if it’s the real story :smiley:

So since I’m currently practicing billy jean on fast and had 2 basses to compare:
I still fumble sometimes in the fast speed but I got the medium speed down so this is where I’m at. I’m managing but it could be better.

(sorry for the whatsapp sound in the second video & the low volume overall)
It’s the last one on my Super BadAss checklist that I haven’t checked off. I’m not sure I would with my performance. Maybe practice it a little bit more.

Also: oh my god pinky! Where are you going? To France? Stay close! Damnit!