Billie Jean fretting tips, tricks or hacks?

Thanks :slight_smile: I’m sure you’ll be there sooner than you think!

Not to take away from your compliment but what I do is resting thumb and floating thumb is a different technique. I just change the string where I rest my thumb as you should :wink:

Yes! The only thing that worried me a bit about my videos was that beginners could be intimitaded so I am very relieved that you are offering that. Only thing is: time zones - have to go to sleep soon. But I am really interested! Also it will be a good thing to have something recorded for you to look back on and recognize your progress later.


Absolutely. I think all of us need to be able to have an anchor point to look back at. After all, its not Badass to Badderass, right?


So, @juli0r I got a little bit ahead of myself.

As promised, I recorded my play through after warming up. It certainly went better than yesterday, but its not something I can post.

You see, I spent the bank on guitar, strap, gig bag, instructional game (Yousician) and then real instructional learning through B2B. Thats about where I had to stop. No amp, not even a cable.

Everything I recorded looks like someone struggling to play air bass, only with a bass.


Looks and sounds really good, @juli0r!! Fairly relaxed, too!

But, yes, the next thing to focus on could be to keep all your fingers closer to the fretboard (“economy of motion”).


Very cleanly played!


I did not want to say anything because I thought it would be good for you to try anyway. I remember the first time I wanted to record something. I think I gave up at take 100 or so but it was good practice anyway because it forced me to play cleaner than usual.

Aw. The not even a cable part is a shame because if you had at least that you could try to directly plug your bass into line in of your computer. I have made a summary about recording hardware options but if you don’t have a cable sadly even the low cost option isn’t for you.

Fully agreed.

Huh. Maybe I’ll should listen to the “we are our worst critics” and deserve to check it off the list!? :wink:


@101 Dave there is no rush, and you have the main bit of kit, I have one of these headphone amps


Very nice, @juli0r . . . :slight_smile:

Cheers, Joe


Thanks homie. That is really cool! Didn’t even know such a thing existed. I need it!


Mh. Even If your bank is empty you might want to have a look at the bassbuzz video about gadgets on YouTube. The vox headphone amp is mentioned and recommended. Josh also mentions that he didn’t like most other headphone amps.


Love that ESP @juli0r I think it fits you best. At first I was gonna say, it blew the other one out of the water, then I saw you write something about volume issues.

Still, looks fantastic. And your playing it very well.

And David, we call you @101, cuz that’s the only way we can tag you to a post, but I will be sure to say David instead of 101 when not tagging you.

Besides from the sounds of it you are already all tagged up.

I still have some blank canvas, but mostly in my lower back and sides, stomach, and left leg, other places are all tagged, or at least have pieces.

What happened to that “show your ink “ thread you were gonna start. As long as people are not afraid of clowns, I will add some photos


Got the wrong dude here, @T_dub - should’ve gone to @juli0r, I guess :smile:


Haha, you are right @joergkutter, my fat finger missed by a hair. Looks good with the ESP @juli0r. Now it’s right.


@joergkutter passed up a fine chance to buy an ESP. Can’t argue with what he got instead though.


I know @howard :smile: I will keep my eyes open for a decently-priced B4E though… Not too many on the market around here…


Err… did… did I?
I’m drawing a blank here because the only issue I remember is fret buzz due to poor setup.


That’s what I mean about volume issues

At first when I heard the second video, I was like, the cort cant be that much more poor sounding.

And I was thinking, “no brainer, ESP all the way”

Then I Red about the recording being lower in that video.

Then I said, Ok, the cort still has a chance then


Ah I understand my confusion now!

There was no volume issue with the bass guitars themselves. But I started doing the recording and during that time my girlfriend went to sleep. I wanted to finish but not keep her from sleeping so I turned the master volume down and I tried to dial it in at the same volume with gain settings of my mic. Also it isn’t as bad as I thought at the time. It’s not as loud as a youtube video that has been edited but not as quiet as I deemed it to be at the time.

I tested my old bass yesterday, the beginner modell and by now the Cort is out of the race. I’m noticing more and more little things that I don’t like about the Cort and It may be that I’m just used to it but even the beginner bass felt better playing than the Cort. I reached a state where I’m like: “And I liked this thing? What’s wrong with me?”

The differences are very small and it’s not like “oh this one is an awesome bass and this one sucks and I would never wanna play it.” but it makes it easier for me if I stretch the range to min/max anyway when talking about it. Anytime I make a comparison between the two or three it usually is more of a detail and/or preference thing.

But I gotta say… The neck on the Cort just looks and feels a bit cheaper compared to both my other basses. I’m probably wrong… but I had a closer look and it’s not even where the frets are build into the neck. You can see and feel unevenness on the neck. I don’t on my beginner bass and of course not on the ESP.

I noticed I called the ESP already “my” bass. I take this as a sign that I internally already made the buying decision. Which is good because I wanted to return one tomorrow :slight_smile:


Excellent choice :slight_smile:

Better resale value too if you sell it down the line. Someone else has already taken some of its depreciation hit, whereas the Cort, you’d be taking that hit :slight_smile:


From what I’ve seen in retail prices I might even make a profit if I play my cards right. Not that I intend to… just saying.