Book Recommendations

It’s next on my list @John_E after I’ve finished the Three Body problem books.

The Birth of Loud

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Those have got to be the nerdiest music books on the planet :joy:

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They are approaching Peak Nerd. Unbelievably, there is worse.

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I feel the same!!

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…and I went there, kept scaling Mount Geek, picking up Oppenheim/Schafer’s “Discrete-Time Signal Processing” and two refresher/cheat books on Diff Eq and Fourier/Laplace/Hilbert transforms.

And now get to explain to my wife why I need $300 in textbooks. “Um… I flunked this in college?” - probably won’t cut it.

Never go Full Geek.



In the states I’ve had good luck with thrift books for getting an edition or two old textbooks.

It’s by far the best option but I have to get kindle copies - already got rid of all my hardback textbooks. Some were kind of painful (I’d owned “Numerical Recipes In C” for like 30 years :open_mouth: )

Morgan Freeman narrating: “Eventually, the only hardware @howard owned was his toothbrush. Everything else, he did in software.”


It’s so true

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Oh I just remembered I started but didn’t finish this - I’ll get stuck back in :+1:

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