Changed my strings, think I screwed up

Hi @PamPurrs,
I agree with the wiping down with a cloth, hell I don’t even clean mine, I am a slacker, just like Mcfly​:joy: :rofl: :sunglasses: :+1:
Cheers Brian


Nothing at all, but some woods (fretboards without any finish/lacquer) require that you apply some oil every now and then to prevent them from drying out, getting cracks, pushing frets out and other nasty stuff :grinning: And the applying of oil is really only possible when all strings are off!


I’ve done both and I agree with both views; it’s good after x amount of time to clean up the fretboard and oil it if necessary. For a new bass that had a recent setup though, I would do the one at a time thing, to try and at least keep the truss rod under tension. Not really a right answer for this though, as everyone has pointed out.