Do we have any members from the UK?

I am way down in Cornwall

Where in the UK are you from?



I am in Shropshire… played the bass for 55 days after being inspired by Josh’s videos and teaching style. Done a bit every day and loving it. I am intentionally not setting myself any targets as I want to stay relaxed and enjoy the journey! Not sure where it will take me.

Critical advice from @JoshFossgreen was learn the position of some of the notes and develop confidence using the repetition within the 12 bar blues…


Hi, Muff from Worcestershire. Regular Bassbuzzer.


< :wave: from Scotland>

I believe I still hold the title of Most Northerly (UK & Europe) being halfway between Dundee and Aberdeen.

I’ve settled into a slower trajectory on the course after beginning with 30 day intentions - life can get in the way of even the semi-retired home-based freelancer. Started on 31/8 and currently stalled at M12 (not picked up my bass for 10 days).


I’ll race you


Hi there, greetings from sunny Edinburgh.



Bournville in South Birmingham for me.


I was wrong.
Do you UK people say Sweet As too??
Damn. I thought I had it all figured out.


Hi all, I’m in Cheltenham UK.
About half way through the course now and taken a bit of a break from it to learn a few songs. Loving the bass and getting a little better each day.


They do (or did) in Bournville. (that’s a chocolate joke)

Ditto, except for the learning songs bit. Just an unplanned break here. I find that every so often going back a few lessons is quite rewarding because the info is either reinforced or gets another chance to bed-down in my brain, and the exercises are easier second time around because you’ve already moved on/up.


I use more slang than most people, but I got the expression from Americans on YouTube



So would you say you guys are closing in on ‘Badass’ status?


I am not even a beginner yet


I’m from Edinburgh. After years of passable violin playing decided to add bass to my musical endeavours. About half way through the badass course and loving it.

It’s (at last) joining the dots on theory and practice for me and my wife has even commented that I’m sounding quite good (in a limited sense obviously)! :smile: y:


Hey Ken welcome aboard.

I’m in Birmingham but have visited Edinburgh twice for a week’s stay each time - what a lovely city!!
The Cafe Royal in Register Street was a favourite spot for a luchtime pint and a bite to eat - this was a good few years ago though, and it may have changed. Hopefully not.


Welcome to the Forums, @KenS and glad you’re enjoying the course!

Cheers, Joe :slight_smile:


Thanks mark,
Cafe Royal still an excellent place for a pint and there’s no shortage of other places to sample either. Last time I was in Birmingham up near the Bullring you didn’t seem too short on good hostalries either. :grin:

Happy bassing

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Oh that’s great to hear Ken.
There’s some ok places in Birmingham (not that I go into the city unless it’s for work if I can help it) but nowhere near Edinburgh. Or maybe it was just the ‘differentness’ I remember so fondly.
I remember sitting in one very small pub (who’s name I cant remember, but it had been recommended to me by a friend as worth a visit) and counting 137 different single malts. I doubt you’d get that in Birmingham, not even in a big place.
Is there still an 'All Bar On’e in Princes Street?


Yes a fair few bars with a good selection of Malts and not too far to walk between them, which is good when the cold winds blow- not an uncommon occurance in Edinburgh. :smile:

There’s not an ABO in Princes Street, but in George Street which is just the next street up.

Ah that’s it. I used to supply floors and barfronts and double sided railway station type clocks to the All Bar One chain (my own company), amongst other brands. That was one of the brands I supplied. Can’t remember what the floor was (they were generally maple) but I remember the barfront was an oak frame with inserts made from maple flooring. That was just over 20 years ago - I wonder if its the same one still there now.

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