Does anyone have bass lessons with a teacher, after B2B

I started B2B in Sept 2022 and after a year I decided to see an in-person teacher. I’m very fortunate to have found a great teacher locally and I’ve had five lessons so far. Of course at my last lesson I completely fumbled the piece I’d been practicing every day, looking like I had slacked off!

My teacher has given me technique tips that have helped my specific issues, but at the last lesson when I was playing the piece he set for me, I said in advance that I get some string ringing and I’d like to work on my muting. After watching me play, he saw that the issue was with my middle plucking finger. When I would pluck with that finger and rest it on the string above, I was creating a hammer-off of sorts when moving the middle plucking finger.

So now I am working on this. It was kind of cringey-funny when my teacher’s amp was very clearly sounding my ringing string even more so than my amp at home!

Do any of you see a teacher? I’m very glad I decided to have lessons in person and feel it carries on from B2B really well.


I’ve been taking in-person lessons for over a year now. After the B2B course I could see my motivation and practice routine going down so I thought I needed someone to keep me going or else I’d probably quit. Best decision ever.
He is very enthusiastic and often overwhelms me with theory talk that mainly goes over my head. But then something clicks months later. I’m very glad that I didn’t start at zero when I took up the lessons. And I’m in no rush. Most importantly, we have loads of fun. Just the fact that I have someone to play music with is just awesome.



Yes, When I started playing bass I was already playing weekly with a group and I used BassBuzz as a quick jumpstart. For the last year and a half I’ve been taking weekly bass lesson in North Hollywood. It has been immensely helpful.

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