Does Tone Wood Matter on Electric Instruments?

both are related tho

(but yeah, feel and comfort are very very important)

yeah, true. but actually it’s more relevant with two guitars with the same body wood. one particular piece of ash can sound and feel very very different than another one.

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Wow, I wish I had said that.

Oh, wait…I did.


I couldn’t have said it better, @MikeC :slight_smile:


Since we all listen with our eyes too I wish there was a shuffled section with a clip of each neck and no video. I’d really like it if there was a poll that went with that.

Either way though, the differences in sound are tiny compared to an eq pedal, so… Tone wood still doesn’t matter.

I find it extremely funny when people start obsessing with tonewood in this context. By the time your instrument reaches listeners ears it will go through multiple stages of EQ and compression and those differences will be completely irrelevant.

Your speaker and microphone (plus placement) is something that will make significant shifts in your tone.


Is this… the first case of Bass Plagiarism? :rofl:

apparently not


Yep absolutely. There? Yes. Matter? Nope (unless it happens to be your thing).

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I want a badge for that :slight_smile:


Every component in every electric guitar or bass contributes to the overall tonality of that instrument. All that’s subject to debate is what percentage to assign to each and in my lifetime that has yet to be decided. It probably never will be either.


I am toying with the idea of making a ‘travel bass’ from an old cricket bat, what grade of willow would you recommend?
It will be knocked in but are cherries essential or are they like relicing?

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Based on my modding experience I would propose to build an air bass guitar. It’s very cheap and you don’t have to worry about wood anymore!

You might need to get used to playing it:

(As you can’t see, this is an air guitar, but just pretend to also not see the additional 2 strings…)

I reckon chugging 8ths on an open E on air Bass may get you some funny looks at best and possibly arrested in certain settings


“Funny looks”? “Getting arrested”?
Now I also want an air bass! This time I will get a Fender and not mod it, so I can play with the cool kids :slight_smile:


@terb et al:



“I’ve been making overpriced basses for 52 years and you should believe me because I say so.”

Meanwhile other people are actually presenting some evidence:


The thing is, those did all sound different :rofl:

I have posted elsewhere, I really like what he is doing, but sometimes his methodology is a little off (like in his mic comparison, where he uses a SM58 as a control - a mic that is both not flat and very sensitive to positioning).

He’s also awesome about questioning his own methods though. I really like his vids.

Overpriced to who?

Will Lee and other great bassists gladly use custom-made Sadowsky basses for studio work and live performances because of how they play and sound.

Roger’s not trying to sell; he’s talking about what he hears. I trust his experience and clientele. YMMV


Unpopular opinion: PRS may be right about stainless steel frets too :rofl:

Then again the side to side I had also had a different tone circuit (!) and slightly different pickups (!!) so the test was completely invalid.

What do they say about stainless frets?

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