Flatwound Curious


Warum oder was? :joy:

…ist verboten!!!

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My E and A strings have decided to sound nice and dead and thumpy while the D and G still sound brighter like old round wounds. I wish they’d all get together and decide on a tone :joy:


Digging the TI love in this thread!
While looking for a P bass I stumbled across the Sire D5. As soon as I started noodling in the store on it I knew it was begging for some TI flats (had them on a Rob Allen a while back). It was then my birthday gift to myself, with the TIs of course. It may get another pickup at some point, but it will always have flats on it!

Goes to show the consistency variance in string sets, even from the same manufacturer.

I don’t play it a lot so maybe I’ve just put in more “miles” on the E and A to wear them in :laughing:

I need to build an apparatus to break in the strings for me… Maybe with a greasy glove coated in Doritos dust? :thinking: That would be a fairly good representation of my hand :joy:


I have the same hands! Don’t forget the spit from licking the Doritos dust off your fingertips though…

A mooching bass buddy works really well, too. He’ll likely supply his own Doritos.


Mine would be orange from the Cheeto’s puffs. I love them

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Tangent: but I have to say. I LOVE eating cheetos with mustard! Sounds gross, but it’s amazing.

Just want to add another opinion to the discussion at the beginning of this thread, that “ in the middle strings are meh”. I do love flats and have Labella’s on my P bass right now but I want to put in some positive thoughts for half wounds. I personally really love both GHS bright flats and Ken Smith slick rounds. (my understanding is they are the same materials, made in the same factory with the only difference being branding and gauge choices). Just my two cents personally, I liked these much better than pressurewound, which are another in the middle but one step up on the brighter side.

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I have never used half rounds to comment but the GHS Pressure wound strings were a good choice on my G&L since the pickups are very hot and very metallic sounding. I also had GHS flat wounds on it for a while and it was good but anything but “classic” or vintage sounding. After playing the pressure wounds for quite a while they sound almost like “regular” rounds on my p-bass.

This sounds like an outstanding contribution to the Food Thread, one of the most important topics on the forum.


I finally caved and spent the money… It took me a few days to click the check out button :smile:


Good choice, I love these strings.


A lot of folks love ‘em.

I prefer TI Jazz flats, myself, and the cost of those puppies will put a next-level hurt on you.

But, bottom line, they’re both great strings.