GAS - Gear Acquisition Syndrome (Part 1)

I’m probably going to have a clear out once the lockdown eases and get rid of a couple of basses leaving me with my Fender , my SR and the Mikro once it arrives.
Then and only then will I think about where to go next if anywhere at all.
The black ash MM is a fine looking bass @T_dub. I can totally understand why you would want it


I do want to change the pick guard tho. I could see it being black, maybe white, but if I could find a place to make me a custom, I would get an orange one. if I got a orange one, I think I would be content, beyond content.

That Ray34 for me is probably eqivelent to your MIM P bass.
We love them, and will keep them for life, but will still want and eventually get a EBMM and MIM P bass


This is ingtreiguing, for different reasons then arthritic pain (Sorry @eric.kiser, I get what you are saying, but this reason, which is kind of the same as what you said, but a little different,) but to play freely in the 2nd position sounds awesome.


BEAD is fun. I don’t find myself playing mine much but it is definitely a really cool configuration.


If I do a BEAD bass, I will just do it to my DEAN METALMAN. That is how I justified paying the whole $100 for it. I just wanted it cuz Dimebag, but I will use it if I decide to do BEAD.


Another thing that killed 5-strings for me (on top of not liking the feel at all) was the realization that the number of songs I like where I extensively needed both the B string and the G string was exactly 0.

The nice thing about them is you get the best of both BEAD and EADG, but I found those use cases didn’t overlap much. I am not a shredding/noodling Jazz virtuoso :slight_smile:

One thing I didn’t expect: if you have small hands, you might find playing EADG on a 5 string easier than on a 4. The strings are noticeably closer together and the E is an easier reach. It wasn’t comfy for me - hated that part actually - but YMMV.


I don’t have problem playing the strings on 5 string or 4 string really, and I can adapt really quickly and easily between them.
The only problem is if the neck is really wide with large string spacing, and I have felt some like that, and they were not very comfortable, but it wasn’t even the fingers, it was just the way it felt in the palm and every part of my hand.
The part about being to run around in the 2nd position on the bass as an option is pretty awesome if looked at that way. If I don’t look at like weather I need the B string and G string, and look at like, how do I use them in conjunction with each other, to have more options and versatility, it makes alot of sense. like how to expand your mind, musically. I like this, and it kind of makes me excited to start playing on the 5 string more. Only I did tell myself i would stick to 4 string while I am still studying the beginner / intermediate courses, until I am on the intermediate / advanced and advanced courses.
So, I am keeping one til then for sure.


Yeah, the point I was trying to make about BEAD is it gives you that ability to play EADG songs up in the 2nd position, just like a 5 string would. It just lacks the G string, but that would not be an issue for playing EADG songs up there (since you’re playing up there anyway - D string 5th fret = open G string).


I really didn’t enjoy the 5 string I built so that’s gone. It’s always something I could buy again but I can’t see that happening in the near future.
I could drop the other P bass I’ve got to BEAD but I might even sell that on at some point soon so maybe not :crazy_face:


You didn’t even appreciate that you built it?
I mean, you didn’t keep it cuz you built it?


I’m probably going to sell my Warwick as BEAD and spin it as a selling point :slight_smile:


Nah, I don’t see it like that to be honest.
The main reason I was building the odd bass was to stop me going insane in lockdown.
Both the basses I built went to good homes,one in particular to a young kid that was just starting out which I let go sooooo cheaply as he’d saved up for it himself.


That sounds like a plan :+1:


Thats cool.
I dont know if I built a bass if I would want to let it go.
I probably would want to hold onto it for a long time, then I would get tired of it and let it go eventually. HAHA


Yes @eric.kiser, it did help quite a bit since my arthritis can get really bad in my wrist when it flares up and since BEAD at the 12th fret is EADG, and the 12th fret removes the angle of play on my wrist, it allows me to at least play my bass during arthritic flareups.

Keep on Thumpin’!


Is it not at the 5th fret? typo I think, or you have not had the morning coffee? :wink:


the point is as you know, you don’t need one. if you needed it you would get it. you want one. and that in my eyes, is better than needing. :+1:


you’re like me. if you took all the money you’ve already spent you would have two of them by now.

edit: actually your not like me, you usually make money on your deals :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


good man.


Yes @T_dub - my bad… Guess I should have my coffee before getting online?.. Anyway, playing a little further up the neck does relieve some of the pain in my wrist and allows me to play without using my wrist support. The angle is different.

I have included one of my old cover songs that shows me playing two different bass’s - one being played normally (Big Red), and in the last half of the song my BEAD bass. Didn’t have to wear the wrist support playing the BEAD since my playing angle was lessened resulting in less pain in my wrist.

Funk 49 Using Two Different Bass’s

Keep on Thumpin’!