General physical discomfort & awkwardness when starting?

I’m sure youre familiar with bass buzz channel on YouTube. My favourite video probably of all beginner bass lessons is Josh’s “5 exercises” video which has very efficient structure and in my opinion remarkably drove my technique forward after continuing with bass for the 1st time in approximately 10 yrs only months ago. Im already 10 times as skilled as I ever was. I would say a better bassist than I am a guitarist! ( I’m an amazing guitarist :woman_singer:)…

Best advice(s): be consistent, breaks are allowed, and never under any circumstance should playing / practice be a chore. “You don’t have to; you want to!”
You’re part of an amazing community here. With the initial structure and the support system (this forum) you cannot fail!

Just don’t give up when I joined up I was baaah hard! But everyone was like it’s ok and whatta ya know I can play primus I’ve also idolized remco Hendrix too it came on YouTube after a backing track I was jamming over and guess what!?! :woman_technologist: I played it… far from perfect but for the try I was so close I peed… don’t judge, practice!

Peace and love!


Bass (and guitar for that matter) is really unnatural for a body that’s not used to it. Just look at you next time you play. What other regular activity requires this kind of body posture and bio mechanical behavior?

It’s completely new experience for your whole body, give it a couple weeks and your body will sort it out.

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thank you all for your advice! today is literally only day 10 of me playing bass so i think as i keep going eventually my mind & body will sort out what feels right.


With any new activity, it’s best to ease into it. Take a few days without playing, just watch some videos on technique or take a complete break.

After a few days, keep your sessions short and maybe split between a morning and evening session.

Before your sessions, do some basic wrist and finger movement to loosen up.

With your fretting hand, start by pressing down harder than you think you need to, pluck, then gradually release the pressure and pluck as you go. This will help you realise that you don’t need that much pressure. This may not work that well if your string height is too high.