Gibson SG vs Fender J-bass

Oh, I wish I could.

Orange amps tend to have lots of gain, lots of punch, and lots of midrange. For a low-end rumbler like the SG, I’d imagine all that boost in the higher end would help a bunch.

Another HUGE part of his sound is the pick. Playing a pick on super thuddy basses is real cool because you get this bright, sharp attack no matter what, and then the sound just dissolves into bass mud. It’s a cool combo.

I’m guessing he’s playing round wounds… and on that particular song they’re tuned down to C, I believe? Something real dark and low.

So, there’s a lot going on.
But! The muddy, dark bass sound + bright pick tone + amp optimized for loud, gained up midrangy riffs + huge speaker cabinet… = really good.