Help making this reach!

You can also do that, I wanted to move the stretch up the fretboard and keep the low notes available. I also may need more :coffee:

Been practicing this bit and I seem to have figured it out. Here’s the lead in to that section

So after the initial shift down to the first fret on the A I just stay there instead of trying to make it back to the 6th on the E.

Also been experimenting by staying on the E string for the whole section. Haven’t decided which is easier but I’m almost there!

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I’ve been doing something similar on another tune this week.
Best thing to know - tab is a guide, use what works and sounds good over what’s written by someone who isn’t right anyway.

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Concur tabs are guides. Many times watching the artist does something different than the tab

Pappa was a Rolling Stone is a good example of a tab that’s often wrong

This is true of music notation of any kind.


considering that references to D-K are almost always used incorrectly… and there’s been much discussion that the D-K effect doesn’t even exist :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Not sure what that means; they did a study and reported the biases. Pretty sure it exists :slight_smile:

Whether or not it is always equally prevalent is another question of course.

Because D-K is about a bias in our thinking and that incompetent people overestimate their abilities… but other studies have shown that both experts and novices underestimate and overestimate their skills with the same frequency. In one study, computer generated results showed a similar distribution to the D-K bias and that “the true relationship between objective ability and an individual’s perception of his/her own ability may be obscured by the data-analytic techniques that are used to assess it” from: What we really know about our abilities and our knowledge - ScienceDirect

Unfortunately almost everyone who invokes the names of Dunning and Kruger uses their effect incorrectly anyway :laughing:

My apologies! I probably grossly overestimated my abilities to be funny…


It’s ok, you’re in good company here :wink:




It’s ok @joergkutter Ive never laughed at anything @sshoihet has written. Humour is an odd duck.


I’m only here to help people with music/bass and amuse myself :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: