Help me make a less dumb Spotify vid plz :)

I think you are right as he worked for Overwater basses as a lad and they started in Carlisle.

Anyway not Ireland :sunglasses:


See. He aggravated me so much I can’t even get his nationality right. Lolol


This is probably how you hear him?


Take 2: Samuel L Jackson does Joe Dolce - YouTube

Late to the party…

“What do I want to amplify with my platform?” should be the framing question for every video.

The follow up question is equally important: “Does what I want to amplify add value?”

The Jack Conte/Ryan Lerman reaction videos work because they added value (you learn things you probably didn’t know before about the song or gain an interesting new perspective on it).

Things that add value:

  • analysis with fresh insights of something
  • serving up new info that helps us deepen our appreciation of something we thought we knew well
  • looking at something through a different lens, connecting it to something unexpected

You get the idea.

What concerned me most about the Spotify video was it seemed inauthentic to the Bass Buzz vibe and brand. Bass Buzz is all about elevating the conversation we’re having around bass, bass playing, and bass community. The Spotify video was entertaining, but at the end of almost ten minutes, what had I learned?

The best videos transform the viewer. The viewer walks away a different person because they learned something new, saw a something in a different light, or gained a new appreciation for something.


This also is valuable when transforming the wallet into an empty one because you just learned about some very cool gear you had no idea you couldn’t live without before you watched. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Thanks so much for that, late to the party but you brought a great bottle of wine. :wine_glass: :crazy_face:

+1000 to everything you said


I liked the actual analysis of the music, and I thought you were very generous in pointing out things you DID like.

I prefer “reaction” videos that the presenter really cares about, no matter what it is – as opposed to a reaction of the week, or something everybody else is doing. What makes you want to comment on a video? That’s probably worthy of a reaction video!

As an aside, I know there are probably too many videos out there about how much modern music sucks, but comparatively, it really does. It’s a topic that deserves to be hammered home.

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You’re right. I think we can all agree the 90’s was the apogee of quality music.

Haha, I’d never seen that one before, and wish I hadn’t!

Forget that poser 90s stuff. The original is the real deal.

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Music is like pizza; even when it’s bad. it’s still good




The point of that dreadful song is that there’s garbage music from every era. Modern music isn’t any better / worse than whatever you consider the golden age.


While it may not be qualitatively better or worse, I would say though that due to the democratization of music production and distribution, it’s almost assuredly true that more good music is being made and shared now than at any other point in history.

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I would agree with that to a certain extent. When people refer to “today’s music” they’re referring to mainstream music and such. That industry as a whole has changed drastically since the 90s and not in a good way. I’ll link a video lower that really shows this decline. You can see a point in the 90s where the popular songs just went to crap.

The problem is, at some point, record companies started looking only for people that are marketable above all else. Doesn’t matter if they’re talented as that can be fixed in post. These companies want beautiful, young performers that they can milk (among other things) for as long as possible.

Do you think someone like Phil Collins or even Freddie Mercury could get a record contract today? Phil, a balding in his 30s chubby dude when he dropped his first album? Companies today wouldn’t touch him with a 10-meter cattle prod. I’m not talking just pop and rock here. Look at the decline of hiphop. I doubt a powerhouse like Run DMC or the greatest hiphop group to ever live, The Fat Boys, would even get a sideways glance from an agent.

The upside is that the record companies aren’t as relevant as they used to be. The internet has allowed the talented yet ugly and mainstream-unmarketable to still get their name out and make a living off of their music. It still requires marketing but the odds are much better than they used to be that some group of friends in a garage can make it big.

There are a lot of musicians that we never would have known their names if it weren’t for the interwebz and that is where I agree with you. There is far more talent available to be found and easier to find them.


Pop being absolute shit is nothing new. It was worse in the ‘’70s and 80s if anything. And I was a Fat Boys fan at the time (Can U Feel It? :rofl: ) and trust me, the only mainstream DJ playing them I know of was Richard Blade, and he was was pretty ahead of the game.

Hasn’t this always been the case? See ‘The Monkees’ as a great example of music execs trying to cash in on The Beatles.

One of the upsides of the decline of the record industry is the control that a small group of white men had over the music I listen to.

Thanks to YouTube I now listen to far more diverse and interesting selection of music than I ever have.


What makes people revert to the knee-jerk reaction of “music is no longer what it used to be” is probably highly linked to the fact that what you like and what you find in the “charts” is no longer aligning at all.

In any case, I learn more from listening to people’s recommendations here than from the charts. Don’t get me wrong, there is a lot of stuff getting recommended I don’t care for much at all, but there are often true gems that I wouldn’t have found otherwise.


ooh a challenge! let me show you my favorite…

…ahh ok, whew, had my hopes up for a moment there :rofl:

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