Hey fellers, newb advice/question -The Claw!

That girl inspires me. She also makes me little jealous. She can play, her future is pretty brought.

Yo @MikeC , thanks. I assume I did when I joined in November but will go back and check. The lessons and the forums are both great!

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She’s been playing music since she was 3, she played uke, drums and piano before bass. Her dad played music for her since she was an infant and always let her play with his guitars without worrying she would break them… he’s friends with Victor Wooten too :-). She has her own song on Yousician called “Ellen’s Groove”.


When your hand “claws up”, this MIGHT help: soak it in warm water.

There is also a school of thought that says that it helps to “pre-soak”: before playing, soak your hands in a bowl or bucket of warm water. Allan Holdsworth, who would play chords often described as “magical Holdsworth clusterfucks”, did this when he got older. Your mileage may vary, though. But to get the post-playing cramp attacks, warmth is probably beneficial.

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While i do agree she is good and very talented (which never hurts) i bet she has hundreds of playing hours and has probably had good teaching from scratch which, again, never hurts ofc…

That is by no means meant to diminish her prowess, but I will always remember what a former piano teacher of mine (she was very good, playing regularly in concerts every season and was a very good teacher as well) always used to say about Russian young pianists who usually were top in piano contests at the time and that was their secret was simply: thousends of hours spent at the piano with good teachers. I wish I were strong enough to listen to her back then…:blush:


Im on yousician and see it every time. It’s cool. Btw she is looking for some pedals but can’t find them. All r 3 Leaf. The pics r below

If anyone has them and wants to sell them to Ellen let me know or find her on Factbook