How do you warm up?

Not so much. A lot of players approach warming up/practicing differently.

But it doesn’t matter who does what as long as it works.

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Usually I just noodle for 5-10 mins or play something I know I can absolutely nail. That way I go into my practice feeling confident.

Then other days I start off immediately with Hysteria just to remind myself that I have a long way to go :rofl:


I warm up by playing "Hall of the Mountain King’. Starting out slow and pick up speed on each repeat until my fingers get into (what I call) a train wreck. :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Then I unball all my fingers and go at it again until I’m happy with it then go to other stuff. :upside_down_face:


Which one? There’s a bunch and all of them vary greatly.

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Nearly every day I start by stretching/massaging my palm and wrist. I’ve found that cracking my knuckles seems to really loosen up the joints (and if I don’t, I seem more prone to pain).

I then like to play stuff that doesn’t require a ton of movement or shreddy stuff. “You Give Me Something” by Jamiroquai is amongst my favorites, as is “Disco Yeah” by Tom Misch and “Joe” by RHCP. Stuff that feels easy/fun to play gets the juices flowing.

I know that some people swear by scale routines/techniques. Perhaps I should, too! They’ve never felt very exciting to me, though. I just like to start having fun. As Victor Wooten says, “The more a student plays, the more that student will practice on their own”


When I was 16 I could “just start” without warmup. Or I thought I could anyway! At 62 I find that playing a few songs at a tempo that feels comfortable and then pushing to speed up a little bit every few bars makes band rehearsal and then performing seem significantly easier.
Lately, I’ve been warming up with Billy Jean, Crazy Little Thing Called Love and the Zack Williams version of Go Tell It On The Mountain.
By the time I get through Go Tell It, I can play all three of them faster than they were performed on the official recordings.
Considering that when I first started learning the songs on the 50 Song Challenge I thought “Holy Cow these are FAST!” and I thought I’d never get up to speed. It’s delightful to be able to play more and more of these at speed, right along with the band.


Sorry to take so long on the reply.

I try several variations. But the ’ Hall of the Mountain King ’ I really like is the Savatage band version from the 80’s :upside_down_face:


Ah, savatage. I almost remember them through the (ahem) party-favor fueled 80’s. Or maybe it wass the 90’s?
It’s been said that behaviors such as i presented in those times affect the short-term… Wait a minute, what was we talking about again?


typically do 30 minutes of Guitar first so that warms me up nice and good