I loved Josh's latest video... any recs on others he's put out that are more general and fun to listen to, versus bass teaching oriented?

Is there an award for the longest title on the forum? :laughing:


not a popular opinion, but i love davie504 on youtube.


That’s an extremely popular opinion, just maybe not here as much (dunno why, he’s great).


Davie is a very good player. But, to me, his schtick got old a long time ago. That might not be the case for a lot of folks, but the sameness of his faux deadpan thing doesn’t do it for me.

That said, have fun with his stuff, if it floats your boat.


Charles Berthoud…GOAT


BassBuzz YouTube Video Guide
I haven’t updated it in a while, but this is most of the BassBuzz videos organized by where they would line up with the course. I’ll be getting it back up to date within the next week.

(393) Adam Neely - YouTube
Adam Neely is fantastic. He’s a professional bass player and, after BassBuzz, he has my favorite YouTube channel.


He was a total jerk in the first video I saw of him and I’ve never seen anything to make me reassess.

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Try this one:

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i genuinely love this guy. he has another video where he illustrated his childhood - and he dealt with some self esteem issues, etc as a kid that relate to his channel now. i also love how some of his gags involve giving money to people streaming on twitch - very generous. i personally find his humor subversive and virtually everything he says is a parody & meant with meta modern dark humor.

and most important when he shuts up and just plays bass - he is funky and looks cool as fuck when he is going at it.


Agree. My only problem is that he gets copied and his style works for literally no one else. It’s a big part of why I avoid Charles Berthoud’s channel, which is my loss in a lot of ways - but I find the borrowed style grating.

I much prefer when he (and, for that matter, Adam Neely for a different reason) get down to bass.


I watched that, and some of his other vids, and I didn’t like how he tried to embarrass Fami. So I’ll still give him a pass.

Charles and Davie became good friends through YT. Charles asked Davie for help and Davie gave him his blessing to use at least part of his proven schtick in order to get an audience. That was very generous of Davie and I commend him for it.

Since that time, and especially recently, Charles is primarily just playing, without the hokey scenario crap.

Both of these guys are doing fine. But Charles is my fave YT bass player.

I find Charles fascinating because of his incredible virtuosity, intricate arrangements and overall musicianship.

  • Rick Beato (people love/hate Rick)
  • Charles Cornell
  • 12 Tone
  • David Bennett Piano
  • Andrew Huang
  • Signals Music Studio
  • VOX

Venus Theory

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I used to love Adam Neely but then he started doing more controversial stuff (or stuff other people had already done, better) and i became less inclined to even bother with his videos because i didn’t find them fun or interesting anymore.

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Morning coffee with Cameron :slight_smile: he does a lot of great synth stuff and always has fun/interesting topics.

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I simply miss his time focusing more on bass. I actually liked the controversial topics :rofl:

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Yeah he’s my favorite youtuber for topics around actual music making.

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Chase Carneson
Doug Helvering
The Charismatic Voice (Elizabeth Zharoff, our favorite unicorn)
Julia Nilon
Dicodec/The Gaijen Guys (have different names for different lineups)
Baka Broadcast