Playing bass will make you a better guitar player. Will give you better sense in pace/rhythm… etc.
On the other way around… maybe your finger elasticity will be better, allowing you for further fretboard reaches… but I suck donkey balls at guitar… so don’t mind my opinion.
Only until they test the pick grip vs index/middle plucking skills.
Longtime guitar player here. The biggest advantage you’ll have when switching from guitar to bass is familiarity with fretting, whether it be chords or lines.
Also, a guitar player’s other hand is used to playing autonomously from the fretting hand as it picks (with a flat pick, finger tips, finger picks, fingernails) and strums. Essentially, each hand knows how to do its own thing, in concert, before picking up a bass.
Plus, depending on one’s degree of playing experience level, guitarists are familiar with harmony, rhythm and learning songs by ear.
Yeah lots of girls. I’m very popular at my 6 year old birthday party. There are 2 diehard fans those are the ones that call me Daddy
You’d have better vocabulary on a bass than guitar and vice versa. You know what is tasty and tasteful. Here’s a guitar player who tried his hand on a bass, not bad eh?
This is what I noticed most. I used to play fingerpicking style on guitar (I was rubbish) and when I picked up the bass I hardly had to think at all about my right hand; I could find the strings easy (there’s only the four after all!) and separating my two hands was not an issue. A little work to get that alternating thing going. But essentially I’ve hardly ever looked at my right hand when playing bass and I’m not too bothered whether my index finger is on the beat or the off-beat.