Introduce Yourself! (2018-2022)

@SassySky I asked myself the same thing a year ago, and here I am still playing, practicing, and learning. Stick with it, you’ll love it!



So back in the olden days, like 1993, the boyfriend of a friend of my girlfriend had an acoustic bass. It was a Hohner TWP 600B. Here’s a picture of one I found on the internet (not mine). He was the drummer in the band, but he just had the bass for noodling I guess.

I coveted that bass of my friend’s friend’s friend (I dropped all those genders out to make it shorter). We moved away from that town, and our friends - which was sad.

In 1996, I turned 30. Aforementioned girlfriend, now my wife, had purchased the bass from our drummer friend, and lo and behold, I was now the proud owner of an acoustic bass! (Now you know why I married her :smiley:)

I took lessons for a couple of years, then had kids. For those of you who have had kids, you know how much it’s like a thing that totally takes over your brain and time and money - all things you need to learn a new skill/talent/thing. The bass kicked around the house and went through multiple moves. Eventually, both my sons ended up playing music, one of whom even picked up the bass. (Not the Hohner, he got his own electric bass).

All of this is a long way to saying - during Covid times, I’ve been stuck at home. I brought the Hohner out into my workspace, and when I need a break, I’ve been strumming away on it. I have been using bass tab sites to learn bass songs. However, if I ever want to be in a band with some friends, I’m going to need to actually understand what’s going on with the music. So that means Theory!

In fact, my strongly held opinion with absolutely no evidence is that the ONE person in a traditional rock band (drums, bass, guitar, singer) who must know musical theory is the bass player. Everyone else can sort of get by with knowing rhythm; or chords; or how to yell (ahem, sing).

So, if you’ve read this far, that’s all a preamble to say that having trolled Youtube for various “how do I get better at Bass” channels, I think BassBuzz and Josh are the ones that match what I’d like in learning bass - someone who’s skilled but also light hearted. In addition, I like this BassBuzz forum community. For me (maybe it’s my age), forums are the “social media” tech I like the best. Also I like this specific forum platform (Discourse); I’m on 2 others using this same software.

Once I get a job, I’m committing to starting the B2B course. I’ve been inspired by PamPurrs here on this forum whose example shows me that a) It’s never too late to start learning bass and b) in a very short time, I can be good at it!

Anyway, gotta head over to the gear forum to get advice on a strap…


Welcome to the Forums, @chrisshorb . . . :slight_smile:

Glad you’re interested in taking the course!

Lot of good information available here, too.

Cheers, Joe


Welcome to the community @chrisshorb!


Welcome @chrisshorb, I’m happy to be an inspiration for you.



Welcome @chrisshorb!

I never liked learning music theory in the past but as you can see in various threads - Josh converted me and I am willing to hesitantly admit the beauty of knowing the theory behind it.


Welcome to the ride @chrisshorb,
It’s a great learning resource and the teacher keeps you motivated.
Cheers brian


Welcome aboard @SassySky,
Enjoy the ride, it gets more enjoyable the further you get into it.
Cheers Brian


The only Danish I know is Husker Du, so you got me beat


Welcome aboard @chrisshorb


one of my favorite bands :slight_smile:


Welcome aboard @chrisshorb. I too like forums as best social media. So much that it’s pretty much all Iuse, and here only at this time. I am not. fB, twit, snap crap, or anything like it, unless you consider Let Go and Offer Up social media.

Cool story, and fully understand the kids as brain suckers.


Hello Ya’ll,

I so regret not starting playing bass YEARS ago. Long time bass enthusiast with favorite bands like Rush, Rage Against the Machine, Primus, etc. It took a pandemic to come up with the great idea to join my step son in learning how to play something to kill the extra time. He plays the guitar so decided on getting a bass.

Thank goodness for @JoshFossgreen and his Youtube videos. Got what he recommended. TRBX304, amp and his B2B. Best purchased I’ve done! Enjoying his course immensely

I have been lurking the forums for quite a while and have to say there are a bunch of great people here. Glad to be here.



Welcome @smurillo :slightly_smiling_face:


Welcome @smurillo!

Love the idea of learning to make music together in your family! Add a drumtrack and you will be off to great jamming sessions with your son!


Welcome @smurillo


Yeah trying to recruit my daughters for keyboard and drum duties. I told my wife she can be the groupie! :stuck_out_tongue:


But she already has backstage passes!
What about vocals? :wink:


Vocals will be a problem with all of us. Perhaps prog rock instrumental only. Or use the heck out of AutoTune :slight_smile:


Hi everybody. My name is Saul. I’m a lawyer and I live in Baltimore. I’m 65 and recently stopped practicing as actively as I was. I resist saying I’m retired. The pandemic has given me lots of free time and I get antsy if I don’t feed my accomplishment addiction, so I decided to finally learn to play bass, years after I bought a Variax modeling bass. So far I’m loving it. I’m only on module 3 but things are starting to get more funky and I love that. I’m a big Beatles nut—I saw them in concert as a kid—and I’ve been playing the variax on the Hofner setting. Love that sound. Day tripper, yeah!

Anyway, good to be here.