Happy New Year and all that jazz After singing for a couple of years I had a hankering to learn to play an instrument, and got inspired this year to try my hand(s) at the bass.
In my 50+ years on Planet Earth I’ve never even so much as looked at music theory, or any instrument more complex than a recorder.
Fortunately I stumbled across one of Josh’s videos on YouTube and really enjoyed the delivery and teaching style, so headed over to the website and signed up for the course. I’m a couple of days in, so very much baby steps right now, but loving it so far. Very much looking forward to learning new skills and playing more music. Ultimately I’d love to be able to play and sing, but suspect that’ll take me a long time #goals
There is no time limit to learning Take all the time you need, and always feel free to ask in the forums if you are having problems with something Welcome!
The GAS is strong with this one! LMAO I know your pain… last trip to a music shop… I went for guitar polish and a cloth… left with a $200 mic lol