Is Bass DEAD? I Listen to Spotify's Top 10

Social Distortion would be my favorite.

Jason and the Scorchers are awesome! It’s just a cool genre. Really neat that you knew him.


I don’t listen to Spotify… i listen to apple music and their pop music lists (which i listen to all day long at work) are full of songs with great bass lines. I don’t find Spotify top 10s to be very representative of much, people listen to music for a lot of reasons; often songs are in the top 10 because of a TV show or movie.

I don’t care what kind of bass it is… ebass, upright, synth, plugins… good bass is good bass :slight_smile: Dua Lipa, SZA, Doja Cat and Silk Sonic/Bruno Mars have a lot of great bass lines!


I think when I have an emotional attachment to a specific thing adaptations feel insulting in a way. But I’ve also discovered music because somebody shared a creative adaptation. Being raised on country I have an emotional line in the sand… which is probably a few decades nearer than someone who’s emotional line was before my birth. I’ll be honest, I don’t even entertain what’s on heavy rotation for country these days. I’d rather listen to Bonnie Raitt Live in ‘77 at Wonderland for the hundredth time. Her charm. Freebo’s killer Stingray at work…
Only to acknowledge her cover work and adaptations of both other singer songwriters and great blues musicians.
And then there’s Struggle Jennings!!! Jelly Roll, Briana Harness… well krap.


I actually thought the Johnny Cash one was the original.
Yeah he pretty much owns this- tears you up to hear it.


Still ignorant about Cowboy 808, is it “country” with a dance beat?

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Just because the youth of today (they’re the ones using Spotify) have sh*t taste in music, that doesn’t mean that bass is dead!


Keep in mind, the top 10 on Spotify isn’t about what people are liking. It’s about what’s getting played the most. The majority of those top songs more than likely just have better marketing and people are listening to them once, saying “this is crap” and moving on. It’s likely a much smaller percentage are like “this is my jam” and doing repeat listens. That’s not to mention whatever the current loophole they use to get around pay for play rules.

Vulfpeck exploited this fact a long time ago by releasing a silent album then encouraging their fans to leave it streaming constantly. They made a nice chunk of money off of that before Spotify caught on. It made the top 10, if I recall.

Edit: forgot to mention that the recommendation algorithm will also usually promote songs that are already “popular” meaning that the more listens something has, the more it will push for more listens regardless of what genre the user usually prefers.

You need to look at top lists where people have actually spent money on the songs. That will give you a much better indication. Personally, I’ll give a crap song an honest listen on a streaming service but I’ll make damn sure I like a song before I’d even spend $0.99 on it.


What is an 808 bass line?

An 808 bass line is a type of bass line that is typically used in hip hop and electronic music. The 808 bass line gets its name from the Roland TR-808 drum machine, which was popular in the 1980s.

The 808 bass line is characterized by a deep, booming sound that can be created using synthesizers or samplers.


Not my favorite video, I get the idea and as a one off it’s fine, you got it out of your system @JoshFossgreen :wink:
How about ten current songs on the charts (any chart) with good bass? We don’t need to put more light on the Spotify top10
I don’t have Spotify either @sshoihet and also use AppleMusic, their global and USA 100 are not much better either, for my taste of course.
Since most people consume music from their phones, maybe bass is not as relevant?? Also, cool bass lines requires to hire and pay a bass player, that may not necessarily propel the song to bigger success (like that song where Josh added bass chords in the video, definitely nice, but it’s a success without it already, no need to put more money into it) it’s a business at the end of the day


Often there are also much better songs on an album than the singles getting the most plays so it really is great to listen to full albums too.


I love that country song :stuck_out_tongue: I started listening to country because most of the songs have better lyrics than other current popular music. The idea that most of country is about your truck breaking down and your dog running away is dumb, most of the songs are fun, a lot are about love and things that people can relate to.

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Funny, … one could get the idea that, perchance, the clickbait title really worked. :laughing:

Also, what about the top 11? or 12?

I’m sorry, I simply can not get into modern country music.


Old country music:
His truck broke down
His dog died
And his wife left him

New country music:
He bought a new truck
His dog came back
He found a hot new lady who likes sports and fishing on the weekends
808 bass drop


Don’t forget the bro culture hot takes

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The official music video for that has 78M views and the song is certified platinum :stuck_out_tongue:

He’s pretty popular :slight_smile:

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I do feel a bit bad for calling that song out though because the artist himself sounds incredible :rofl:


I couldn’t help myself.
I was like Ooh, two Bergs, A TC electronics… maybe a 450? A casually non-hidden Beginner to Badass thing in the background… Another P bass… Can’t see those damn pedals…

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Ok so the original is way better. Guy’s from Jersey :rofl:


Wow. If that’s the Spotify 10 most played/marketed songs, I am nowhere near Spotify’s target audience.