Little Personal Touch

Seems a tad harsh.

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Funny enough, I’ve always said I will never be that guy who puts stickers on a guitar or bass. Look at me now.

I don’t see myself putting anything on my other basses, this Squier has become my project bass. If I ever completely screw it up, I won’t feel as bad if I broke a much more expensive instrument.

My little Squier is kinda turning into a bit of a metal machine. Those EMG’s, even as passive, pack a good punch, sounds even better with some fuzz or light distortion. And nothing says metal like an alien bursting out. Kinda want to keep messing with squeezing more metal out of it, either cosmetically or tonally.

Very funny - I like!

strongly dislike ? :rofl:

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Seething rage from a thousand dying suns inducing?


hahahaa too far

but um yeah, i need a bigger box than that


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Got some new stickers added to the pink Talman. :slightly_smiling_face:

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And here I am agonising whether or not to put a Pink Floyd pig on my white fretless.