The free jazz lessons were the toughest for me also…
I’m by no means proficient at playing Free Jazz, but do try and play the style at times when the mood hits me. You really got to be in the mood to play it and have it make any sense I think.
From what I have learned so far (personally), is that free jazz is so different than anything else that it’s one if those styles (IMHO) that you really have to “Lock In” and become extremely comfortable on your bass with. Simply being ’proficient’ probably won’t cut it - you kinda have to become ‘one‘ with the bass while at the same time going to that “Happy Place” where all the other musicians are at and communicate with them at a combined level using your bass. I know this all sounds silly, but I truly feel that is the case.
that’s funny. what I understood at the time I did this lesson is that the real thing to learn is that “those things doesn’t work”. some kind of proof why the scales are useful. (and why playing off-scale sounds like sh*t unless you know exactly what you’re doing)
well … I’m not much a jazz guy, as you all already know … … maybe I missed the point, 'don’t know.
Hahaha… Maybe what I was trying to say is that it doesn’t hurt to be a little… “happy” when you’re playing it?.. Gotta remember @terb, I’m still going through some health issues that may be requiring me to be in a bit of a (natural) happy place myself…
haha no problem at all, my comment was very general (not an answer to your post) and I was just saying my feeling at the time I did the lesson be happy my friend, I very sincerely hope you are