Most useful style of music?

While it’s always nice to geek out over music and music-related stuff, I think this is a weird question; one that doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me…

It’s a bit like asking “what is the most useful color?”

You just risk that people will claim the music they like is the most useful or some such very subjective answer.

Maybe it is more useful to ask “what type of bass player is most useful/versatile?” and then study those people!?! Guys like Lee Sklar or Nathan East will be able to play pretty much whatever you throw at them (at least everything you’d consider “mainstream”). How come??

I think as a developing bass player we should explore many genres and techniques, perhaps not in-depth, but at least to a point where you can decide whether this is something you’d want to explore further or not. And, you are likely to learn useful stuff while doing so.

I am trying to learn palm muting right now. I had never quite seen the point or necessity of palm muting (for me and my preferred music), but that was probably narrow-minded. I still don’t particularly care for this technique, but I am willing to give it a shot :wink:


Yeah agreed, that was my first take on it too.


To be honest, I think my intention was to find a way to either be more efficient with my learning.

This question came from seeing some YouTubers talk about songs that taught a lot of essentials just from learning how to play them.

I figured there was a way to extrapolate that into a style of music as well.

I think overall, focusing on making music with some common scales like major, minor, penta and blues would probably serve me better anyway.

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That’s really good to know. I do see that course in my future!

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Hi @gabe

if you want to have a good balance of all styles while keeping complex bass lines with high responsibility and profession, I’d recommend you Japanese City Pop. Here are some songs that you’ll love grooving with:

The vibes of the style are sooo good :smiling_face:
If you can handle the Bass lines, you are a solid bassist with a good technical Repertoire and a good groove in timing. Give it a try. :sun_with_face::jp:

Wish you all the Bass :v::hugs::guitar:



Yeah! City Pop can get REALLY COMPLICATED. It’s basically pop jazz.

If I were to nod at a slightly earlier and different version of it I would definitely point out Yellow Magic Orchestra. Ryuichi Sakamoto was such a boss. Spawned several genres, including City Pop.

@joergkutter I am sure you know but if not you should check Sakamoto’s works out. @MikeC too, I think they would be up your alleys.


@howard yeah this dude rocks! :jp::smiley:
Never met his music. Amazing you brought me there. Thanks mate! :hugs:

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No, I didn’t know that guy before (so much I don’t know :sweat_smile:) - I guess it would have been someone I would have listened to back in the 90s (at the tailing end of New Wave), but I guess I was already starting to drift further into jazz territory :wink:

As to @DLiqacy 's examples: this is soon bringing you into Sade, Erykha Badu and then perhaps to Brand New Heavies and Incognito territory…


I can’t find it in my PMs anymore, but who was the Japanese jazz singer who fronted a band you sent me a link for (and the song)?

Apparently, PMs don’t hang out forever.

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@joergkutter Amazing! Thanks for sharing these musicians I didn’t know! So much new to dig into! Thanks a lot for the new experiences! :hugs:

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You’re welcome! Hopefully, though, you had at least heard of Sade before :sweat_smile:


Maybe Nao Yoshioka? I don’t know her well but what I have heard is great.

She’s from Osaka but actually based in NYC.


Yeah, that’s her. She’s really good and her band is tight. Great to see young artists digging jazz. :+1:


Yeah she ticks all the “sultry Jazz singer” boxes, and at the same time has fantastic control of vocal dynamics and a great instinct for when to go off the beaten path. I really like her work that I have heard.

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Now I have to dig out my old Pizzicato Five music