**NEW** B2B Live Hangs - Permanent Ongoing Schedule

Back in 2019, when in the worst of my addiction, I had no internet or cable, just a blu Ray player, and I did put on Dogma to fall asleep to every night for at least a month

Great movie.

And I just got out of court today.

The great news is that I was not remanded to custody today, I have to self surrender on Dec 9th.

Meaning one last thanksgiving with my family.

The bad, but not unexpected, but actually a little better then expected is the 78 month sentence I got today, equating to 6.5 years.

With good time, and early release, including a year off my sentence if I complete a RDAC (drug and Alcohol program) while incarcerated.
I will likely serve 3.5 to 4 years of a 6.5 year sentence.