New to short scale

I just got my new short scale bass, made by Mark Bailey. Extra light with swamp ash wings and local Ayrshire walnut cap.


What a beauty! Congrats.


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Absolute beauty ! I’m trying very hard not to fall in love with this. If I ever try a short-scale, that’s what I want.

Love my short scale Fender Mustang, with flatwound.45-105 la bella and Seymour Duncan quarter pounder pups.


Very nice. Congrats.

Back to the start of this Threat. @frankxconnors
Congratulations on your Fender Mustang and your decision. As I can see from the picture, you also have a few years on the meter (like me). I experience myself that with increasing age it becomes more and more clear to me that life does not last forever. A behavior that aims for results is conducive to that. I am pleased to see you on the picture! You have set yourself up as it is good for you and have made the step out and play with the band! The result counts! Cool, congratulations again!

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What’s the name of this bass? It’s gorgeous.

I have a borrowed long-scale bass. I’m going to get my own bass soonish. Even with relatively big hands I thought I was going to need a short scale. I’ve played on both and the shorter ones are easier and more comfortable.

Now that I’ve been practicing for a few weeks I don’t notice the difference as much. Can’t decide which way I’m going to go now. But a short scale this beautiful could be the deciding factor.

Chances are that you will gradually gravitate to a long scale. At least I did.

Short scales are better. Embrace superior technology.



It’s not untrue, but not in every situation. Definitely 34” scale are not better, that’s a true statement.

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