Pedal P*rn

Also: @Al1885 has 5 feet :slight_smile: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Part of me wants to know the story. But it’s a MXR Fullbore Metal, so maybe it explains itself. It’s definitely some metal wear and tear.


That pedal has the thousand yard stare.


It’s seen some shit


Not sure where else to throw this so I’m sticking it here. I finalyl got to play with my GX-10 a little today (wife and daughter went out together for a few hours). This is sorta my first stab at a “default” for me. Kind of threw analog pedal order out the window with it but looking for a slap upside the head and a try moving this one over to there.


What schools offer courses to be able to run that damn thing??

I am ‘click button’ ‘turn knob’ ‘make happy noise’ kind of intelligence :stuck_out_tongue: LMAO


The best part is, I’m still running analog pedals with this. My comp, another reverb pedal (that makes 3), a seperate fuzz, seperate chorus, a tubescreamer and then my Ampeg DI box that I have the preamp turned off atm.

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I am getting thru the process of learning my GT-1B … LOL :slight_smile: way more simpler than that thing :stuck_out_tongue:

but hey… Looks like you are gonna have tone 100% covered :slight_smile:

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I like having a few options… that shimmer reverb isn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be, although I’ve got the effect turned down to about 15 right now. I really like my RV-3, which within the “reverb” effect, they’re pretty much opposite ends of the spectrum. For doing some dreamy / shoegazey type stuff the 2 will work wonderfully together. Kind of like fuzz and chorus where each one adds to the other.

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I want this pedal, just because:


A couple more coming. Then tones. Then make patch cables to length. The completely disassemble and powder coat the board. Then find a rubber shark…
We’re gonna need a bigger boat.


Oh yeah. That’s so awesome man.


That’s a beautiful set up Dude.


There’s a dual trem coming and a boost pedal. Debating on removing the Boss PW-10 Power Wah that is on the left to put the expression pedal pedal for the m9 in it’s place, but that thing has so much in it and I am absolutely a wah guy, bass and guitar, so I’m torn. The other option is expression where the volume is and run the volume off board. The way it’s wired into the patch bay it doubles as an audition port for other things so it’s possible with essentially no rewiring.


Just built my first pedal board! Pretty basic, but it should serve me well.


Red Witch!! buy New Zealand made!!



I’ve always used Pedals but post Otautahi Earthquakes 2011 it’s become a thing for me

In - Boss TU-3 > Boss Oc-2 > Free The Tone BB OD > Free The Tone VCA Compressor > Wounded Paw Battering Ram > Crowther Prunes and Custard (NZ made quirky filter) > SGFX Beta V > 3Leaf Audio Filter > SGFX Filter > Diamond SGFX Compressor > Free The Tone Chorus > Sadowsky Pre Amp/DI > Out


The Boss OC-2 is the standard for octave pedals
I’ve used the Sadowsky pre since 1990(?) when it was a battery pack clip on format.
Free The Tone make incredible gear
Crowther P and C is a funky as pedal totally works with other pedals. I love it

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The old Brown Boss Bass pedals are all good

BF-2B flanger is a key “goth” sound
the PQ-3B is a great gigging tool.
the Limiter is good as well as is the blue LMB-3 “upgrade”

The Diamond BCP-1 is a great pedal which I first started using in 2008(?) however the SGFX relaunch Compressor / EQ is IMO an upgrade.

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