Please help. I'm in a bad mode

Yeah this chart is great. I know the modes and can play them all but need something to “keep them organized” in my head and LIMDAP 4762 might do the trick. Also might steal your mnemonic device about fridge doors, love it :laughing:

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Here’s my mnemonic :smiley_cat:

( P)lay…phrygian
(A)fter …aeolian


i don’t believe you! haha

yeah that’s a good one too :slight_smile:

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You’re right not to, but it’s an easy way for me to remember…

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So… I must ask, why “don’t” and not “do”?

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Good Idea!

How about this?:

I Dig Playing Loud Music After Lunch




When i started learning piano, several years before i started up with guitar again, i realized how much easier it was to learn theory on piano. I had played for about 10 years on string/brass/woodwind instruments and it was a complete struggle to understand much theory, esp since you don’t eve play chords.

Now i’ve found one of the best ways to study theory is with a DAW and a plugin like Scaler2 or Captain. The only good way to learn modes and other theory is to use them a lot and learn what they sound like, because it’s the sound that we’re really interested in.


Yeah that’s a good tip!

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