Great job, @Lanny . . .
Some dark country for a change !
The Steel Woods - Axe
The bass line I play is not exactly the same than the one on the album. I decided to add some density and punch to gently twist the song to the rock direction.
This cover has been very interesting for me, because I’ve used it as a support for a lot of experiments. For exemple I chose to pluck with different fingers on the differents parts :
- on the first part I pluck only with the middle finger, which I find gives a more “meaty” tone (as a vegetarian it’s hard for me to admit I appreciate that !
- on the second part I pluck only with the index, which gives a little bit more punch / attack in the mid range
- on the chugging parts I just alternate as usual
anyway that’s subtle and maybe it’s more about the playing feeling than the final tone in the mix … don’t know really.
I also experimented a lot with the well-known foam trick. Lots of things to say about this : I could do a dedicated topic if someone is interested. Anyway I searched for a dark and deep tone, but still with some dynamics and harmonic content, and I must say I’m pretty happy with the tone I managed to get. I’m curious to know what do you think ?
Thanks @Jazzbass19! Making my Saturday!
Not sure what you mean, @terb . . . ?
Nice playing, and great videography there!
That was sublime @terb, and OMD* y’all might be swinging me towards some country music, especially with this edge of rock. Thank you for sharing this; nicely played.
@JoshFossgreen needs to make a new badge for “Cool Dude!” for anybody who does a cover out in the open air (but not a gig setting). It’s dark outside here now (and I’ve just finished M1L1-L6) but I feel sorely tempted to take my gear outside and play under the stars.
(* like OMG but the D is “deity”)
Damn,… me too…
Thank you @Jazzbass19
The foam trick might be less well-known than I think ! but an advantage of the video format is that I can show you ! if you look at my bass you will see a yellow square-thing near the bridge. This thing is a foam block, cut to size and stuck under the strings. It’s nothing else than a mechanical amorter : it tames the string vibration.
The consequence is a reduced sustain with a very particular behavior, and also a treble loss. This foam-trick (maybe I invented this term, I don’t know if it’s an official name !) is supposed to help creating a “vintage tone”. It mimicks in some way a flatwound string set : the tone is warmer, softer, also I would say dull, muted, dark.
Well I experimented a lot around this and I would have tons of things to say (and that I would love to share with you all fellow bassbuzians). Do you think it would be interesting to create a dedicated topic ?
so I guess I would be the first ever bass player in the world to get this mighty badge ! wow !
@terb - Damn man, you got it!! Love the mystery of the groove you played to that song… Timing was everything, and (to me) the “key” to making that bass groove bring out the best in that song. Great job!!
thank you @Lanny ! timing is everything, I could not agree more (well I’d say that playing consistent attacks plays a role too). I don’t know how to say in english, but in french we call that “jouer au fond du temps” which means playing the attacks just after the beat to create this dark ambience. by the way it’s not that easy at this slow tempo.
OK, got it @terb! . . . I understand now.
Yeah, another +1 for playing in the great outdoors. I’m about to go outside and play my bass, and just thinking about how it’s also such a beautiful day outside there in France too! Enjoy, and really good covers & nice to see you’re building up your stock of YouTube cover songs.
Not a full cover, more of a practice riff work in progress, but this is getting there:
About one more year to go I’d say
So I spent most of the weekend working on one of the old songs that my old Navy buddy and I use to play together when we were stationed aboard an old diesel electric submarine back in the very early 1970’s… The version I’m playing to had virtually no bass line since his band (no longer together) at the time this song (and most all the rest) was recorded, hid the bass notes behind the kick - basically a 4 on the floor bass line that could not really be heard no matter how hard I tried pulling it out through equalization.
My buddy will be visiting me for about a week or so at the end of this month so that we can try and resurrect some of our old songs and also work on some new ones that we’re kicking around in our heads… I’ve got 7 more old songs that I have to go through and do the same thing I did with the one attached below - building new bass lines…
Anyway, here’s my take on it…
wow that’s great ! I love the song, really good old rock ! I’m at my 4th listening right now, I’m impressed with 8 songs you almost have enough to end up with a full-length album, it would be soooo great
it’s pretty funny that you do a cover of your own song, it must be a great experience to revive those tracks !
Thanks @terb! Actually, there are only about 3 or so that I like out of the old bunch… We do plan on re-writing some of the songs - this one in particular since his last band changed the true meaning of the song to make it more … how should I say… “politically correct” then our original version.
still enough for an EP
Ha! When you first mentioned it I was wondering if the Boones Farm in the title was literally Boones Farm.
The song rocks, awesome. Well done!
@howard, none other than the good ‘ol Boones Farm Wild Mountain wine that was usually found somewhere next to the MD (Mad-Dog) 20/20 in most back street convenience stores back in the day… Next to ‘Annie Green Springs’ it was about the cheapest (and nastiest) buzz anyone could get for a buck ninety-nine back in the late ‘60’s and early ‘70’s… Certainly worth a song title in my book!!
Thanks @howard!!!