Post your covers! (2019-2022)

Great cover @howard
You’re certainly setting the bar on production


Thanks! Trying to learn :slight_smile:


Love that song! Gotta be quick for that one, Great job!


Thank you very much @froghopper01. Glad you enjoyed it, and it’s nice when someone comments on an old and half-forgotten posting!


Well, I’m new to this forum. I didn’t realize it was an old post. The compliment still stands :wink:
I was going through and listening to all the great covers. So many of them you can hardly hear the bass. I say crank it up so we can hear all your hours of practice.


Feedback always welcome regardless of date :slight_smile:


This is awesome, @howard!




Depends on your intention of the cover I think. If you are only recording it to share to this forum, I agree with you, turn that bass up loud and proud in the mix and let us enjoy your work. However if you are sharing it to a wider audience, it is really nice to show off a balanced, well mixed track where the bass sounds like it is part of the original recording.

I’ve only ever recorded one cover and I only used a cell phone video to record it over me playing to a YouTube video… so please don’t mistake this as expert advice. Just my opinion.


I probably could have mixed the bass a bit louder in “Just Like Heaven”. I probably should have pitch-corrected more too but I wanted to run with only light pitch correction this time; I sang it nearly on key without modification, so only corrected a couple spots more than trivial nudging.

Vocal still comes across as a little too compressed, again due to the volume levels I am apartment-limited to limiting the dynamic range. Oh well.


yes but it’s ok as is, nothing shocking


I think you can “over-crank” the bass and it really just ruins the song. My bass coach always told me that as a bass player, I should “Serve the tune, not show off”, and that’s what I typically do. In my covers, I try to adjust the volume close to the same way the engineer would do in the studio.
I post my covers on my website for posterity; for the benefit of anyone who might be interested to know if I would be a good fit for their band. I assume anyone listening will know to wear headphones and not rely on those tinny laptop speakers, or even worse (shudder) cellphone speakers to hear my bass.
@froghopper01 have you had a problem hearing the bass in MY covers?


what I found is that most people who don’t hear the bass listen to music on their smartphone or laptop or other very poor quality speakers. so, the problem does not come necessarily from the mixes. other people just have very poorly trained ears and are unable to isolate the bass track in a mix (and that’s not a rare case), but it doesn’t mean that the bass is not here or that the mix is bad.

I always mix “for the song” and not “for the bass”. sometimes it can happen that I mix the bass louder than on the original song, but in this case this is because I think it sounds better (or more like I want) and not because I want people to hear to the bass track more easily. just a personnal choice.


Yeah - I had to be pretty careful in that last mix because that song has a whole lot going on in the mids. At one point there’s two guitars, a synth pad, a synth piano, vocals, and the high part of the bassline in the mids to high mids. So EQ and mixing carefully was important. It could have gone a little louder with the bass but all in all I am pretty happy with the mix.


I suppose it’s because most of the video’s I watch are for learning purposes. The bass players have them purposely turned up over the song because they are showing other’s how to play the bassline.
Also, I play alot of lead bassline’s where it’s supposed to be up front. Stuck in the Middle is a good example. I was able to hear you on that one.


Ummm…there are instruments worth hearing other than the bass? This is news to me! What is this…mix??..that you all are talking about? Those other guys making noise in the band are just laying the backing track for the bass I thought? You guys are on here shaking my version of reality…I have lots to think on now!


Right? Lol
I’m part of a duo with a lead/rythm guitarist. Our volumes are usually close to equal. If I were in a full band I would be hanging back with the drummer unless we played a lead bass song.


Every bassist in every studio ever when giving input on the mix to the sound engineer: “can you bring the bass up?”


Absolutely! That’s all I’m saying. This is a forum for bass students. So it makes sense to have the volume up.


More cow bell! Scratch the cow bell, MORE BASS!!! :laughing: