Practice by improvising rather than learning songs

Fries are chips, chips are crisps, trousers are pants, pants are underwear, the car has a boot and a bonnet… Dammed English :joy:


“A mile is called a kilometre, an elevator is called a lift and botulism is called steak and kidney pie” - Marge Simpson


Oh this is so true. I’ve finally reached a point in life I can pay my bills, put some money aside and have some left over at the end of the month - I’m going to spend it on something I like :slightly_smiling_face:


Hey are these guys touring this year? :metal: :metal:

“Two nations separated by a common language” George Bernard Shaw

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Yet I have to practice it over and over to get it right.

One of Brad Pitt’s best roles, and he has had many, including 12 monkeys, Kalifornia, Seven, and even the stoner roommate on the couch in True Romance. I would rate 12 monkeys as probably his best. I think he spent time in a nut house to study that role, and he did an amazing job of being crazy, like he was in Kalifornia as well. But Snatch, he was classic, "do you like DAGS? you know DAGS, woof woof, DAGS.


That’s cause:

Oh, well, a young man
Ain’t got nothin’ in the world these days
I said a young man
Ain’t got nothin’ in the world these days

Well, you know in the old days
When a young man was a strong man
All the people, they’d step back
When a young man walked by

But you know, nowadays
It’s the OLD MAN
He’s got all the money
And a young man ain’t got nothin’ in the world these days
I said
Ain’t got nothing
Got sweet nothing

Everybody knows that
Everybody knows that
Everybody knows that a young man ain’t got nothin’

Ooh, yeah
Everybody knows that a young man ain’t got nothin’
In the old, in the old days
Oh, in the old days
Everybody stepped back when a young man walked by
They stepped back
They stepped back
They stepped back
They stepped far, far back, yeah

Have pity on the young man
They ain’t got nothin’ in the world these days, I said
They ain’t got nothin’!
They got sweet fuck-all!




I learned a riff from someone. No idea the key or scale used. I did some improv on it at one point, and the notes that made the most sense/sounded good were not my beloved minor scale, but I did use the minor scale as a starting point to figure out stuff to play around it, add fills, little things, played it an octave lower (I love that range of 5-strings lol… just 5 more notes open up so much more. Anyway…)

Anyway, I still have no idea on the scale. I suspect it is in the minor “family” or some “mode” or something. I’ll figure that out later. It’s really close to a minor scale, though. For now, it’s just My Scale :tm: XD

My point is, it sounded cool as hell, and it was a combination of knowing just a touch of scales and learning someone else’s “song.” Knowing the scales led me down the path I went, and it was his song that put me there that I improvised on shrugs

Edit Well, it dawned on me what my Mystery Scale :tm: is lol…

See? Like a minor scale, but the 2nd and 5th notes are half a step lower. In this example I started at the 5th fret of the A string, so D.

Here’s what I realized. Start that pattern on the 2nd note, the D#. It’s a damned D# Major scale that stops before the octave :joy:

E# Major:

The D it starts on would continued down another octave, if you want. So for all I know this “cool scale” is some “mode” of the D# Major hah (I don’t know enough to figure this out, yet. I just know I found another thing I like the sound of…)

I can play around on it, too, making this weird little 9 note scale:

And more variations going lower:

All because I knew a little scale thing and tried to figure out what someone else wrote it all in. I’ve been improving on these notes off and on all night and enjoying how it sounds immensely.

Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.


I like to play stuff as different genres. Playing funk like it’s country, disco like it’s death metal.


Sounds like a blast.

Reminds me of a video that @JerryP (IIRC) posted on share music Friday post a long time ago, a mash up of early 80’s new wave and early 90’s metal.
Lets see if I can find it.

Here we go

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If you like that, this channel does more cool stuff, like this Doors / Iron Maiden mash up

2 minutes to LA

Slayer and Katrina and the waves, Chemical Warfare (Don’t it feel good)

Lots more, I am not gonna post them all, but its a fun channel

But this one is also too fun,

The Bengals and Slayer “Walk like an angel of death”


Im suddenly hungry for cheerios.


Hah! I love this!

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I’m old. I dig cheerios. Because I’m old.


Allegedly good for the heart! :smile:

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At the beginning of covid when the grocery stores were almost empty, I was trying to guess what the last cereal left on the shelf would be… I figured it would be Special K or one of those “healthy” ones that tastes like wood chips :laughing:

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The last thing on the shelves was anything ‘vegan’. Apparently they don’t panic during zombie apocalypses.

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If the world’s ending, there’s no reason to keep eating that crap anymore… :rofl:


Totally fun. I was playing Hysteria as a '70s lounge lizard tune the other day.