Real Songs That Use Bass Effects

Would not be surprised, used in the same way too.

Pretty sure Severin uses a phaser instead in Siouxsie, but it’s the same reason and basic effect really.


Apparently, he was quite lucky it he got the settings right the day of the recording :sweat_smile:
Well, that’s what he said during a recent interview :grin:


Based on some of the comments above, it appears that maybe those pedals don’t suit my favorite genre’s of music. To wit, here’s a list of the covers I’ve created and posted in the Post your Covers thread:

  • Sunday Morning (Soft Rock)
  • Still Got the Blues (Blues Ballad)
  • Stuck in the Middle with you (Contemporary Rock)
  • Moondance (Jazzy Rock)
  • Down Under (Contemporary Rock)
  • Crazy Little Thing Called Love (Jazzy Rock)
  • Big Girls Don’t Cry (Soft Rock)
  • Lyin’ Eyes (Country Rock Ballad)
  • Heard it in a love Song (Southern Rock)
  • Psycho Killer (New Wave)
  • Currently working on (Southern Rock)

Tell me if any of those covers could have benefited from the use of chorus, octaver, or reverb.





Never intended to persuade you not to sell or make you a disciple of the chorus… it’s totally a matter of personal preference and, to some degree, certainly also related to the music you like to play. Personally, I find a bit of chorus (or flanger) is a great effect.

That all said, I have the greatest respect for people consolidating their gear and focusing on what is important for them!



Don’t know how it is with other people but I tend to go in circles. I started playing on computer, after that I went full analog, then came the Line6 Helix and sold half of my pedals collection and now I’m with pedals again. For me the biggest reason is that I don’t use the computer anymore is that I sit behind a computer all day and I wanted a hobby away from the screen.

For guitar I still do everything on the Helix but on bass I prefer pedals. To me fiddling with knobs has something magical and I enjoy the journey what suits me best the most.

Actually I only use the pedalboard to play with effects (not that often sadly). My default signal chain is bass > compressor > amp.


Totally with you, @Paul. I tend to avoid labeling something the “ultimate solution” as I have gone through several iterations myself and I guess that is just a natural evolution of a budding bass player. Hopefully, we eventually gravitate towards something a bit more long-term. Some of us get there earlier, some a good while later :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


For those who have somewhat followed my bass journey during the past 2 years on this forum, you know how many times I change my mind, my opinion, my instruments, my pedals, my strings, and everything else. I’m like the little silver ball in the pinball machine, you never know which direction I’m going to go next, and I’m hard to keep up with.


You mean you’re the Pinball Wizard, Pam? :wink:


Funny you should say that, because I was thinking of that while I wrote that comment.
When I got home from Vietnam in 1969, Pinball Wizard was on the charts. I bought the vinyl album Tommy and played it so many times over and over again, I wore it out and had to buy it again. Now I’m jonesing to hear it again. What a great rock opera by the magnificent band, The Who.


It is all part of the journey until you find the gear that fits/suits you.
Just make sure you don’t “tilt” out!


Yeah not recommended :slight_smile:


Thats what makes you so fun and exciting to follow.
You never do anything wrong, because you do what you want to do at the time.


Adam Corolla has a saying… “If it doesn’t make you happy or make you money, don’t do it”


Well, here’s some examples, Duff McKagan uses chorus on his bass 70% of the time:

Very audible in intro here:

Again in the intro section:

Intro again and around 4 min mark you can hear it along side chorused guitar:

One of the most famous song has flanged bass:


Chorus all over the place

Phaser + reverb:


I was just waiting for you to post all those bands haha.


You knew it was coming :slight_smile:

Was going to throw in some Cure too.


I am on the opposite side of the journey to @PamPurrs, assembling the pedalboard of my ‘dreams’. In the beginning I cursed the pedalboard and did not see any value in it, but now am really getting fully into the fun of it and the sounds etc.

One key difference, I play with running my saxes through it as well, which makes for some super interesting things especially on bari and creating beats, etc and bass lines between bari and bass.

Now, if there were only a pedal that added 4 hours to a day so I could get everything done, this would complete my board. It would need to help with the following…

Sax lessons (skype/online)/practice
Bass lessons (talkingbass)/practice
Abelton Live Class Online
Davinci Resolve sorting out this and thats
Bass mods (Squire Jazz almost done, but soon the ‘testbed bass’)
Home Recording Book
Bassbuzz forum
Scouring the internet for bass/sax deals
Somewhere in here interacting with family and mowing the lawn


Thanks for posting those music videos. Definitely not my type of music, and most certainly not anything I would ever want to play.
I’m convinced more than ever that I don’t need a chorus pedal for the genres of music I like, or desire to play.