Show Us Your Basses (Part 1)

@AntonioM People have regularly asked questions about the Sire basses. The build quality and electronics are supposed to be really good for the price. Could we get some more close up pics? What do you think of it?


Which Jackson are you looking at that is much less then the Tom Araya? Or the lower priced “F”
Cheapest Dave Ellefson was $569. I think the Tom Araya goes for $500 or less online, or in the store…

Did you get a chance to look at the Schecter website? They have many options, but their listed prices match what they sell for online and in the store.

Wait…Are you referring to the Tom Araya first price option of $599 (which I think you can get for $450 or $500)?
Are you talking about one of the Jackson Sig Dave Ellefson that has the lowest price point of $569 list (I have no idea if they are marked down online, or in the store, or not) ???

Sorry, I was just confused bu your two posts.
I did not know if you meant
“Yeah, the Tom is cool, but cost more then I was looking at”
“I really like the 1 series Dave sig”
(Which is almost the same price, maybe lower)

Or if you then saw the 1 series Tom is actually the price point you are looking for.

And, lastly. I have nothing against Jackson at all. I only knew Jackson for guitars long ago, and was never really into them.
Their Basses NOW look great. Guitars probably are too, but I do really like the look and features, but have never played one. I want to know more, and as soon as my local GC moves from “CURBSIDE PICK UP” to “OPEN”, I will be there to see if they have any for me to play with.

Btw, I do want this one, love the look.

Only thing is, if I were to order a guitar online today, I would go Schecter, ESP LTD, Ibanez or Sterling MM, and possibly even Yamaha, Fender or Squire, and maybe even less likely, but possibly DEAN.
But that’s cuz I have played all of those, know some well, and have the first 4 listed.

Anyway, this is the Porn that Jackson has for me

Anyway, I support anything you choose, and envy you for which ever you choose, cuz they are all great choices.


When I started Beginner to BadAss I had already been playing (poorly) this bass for two years and I used it to complete the course.

For the record, I do not recommend doing the course with an acoustic bass. I like the Bass for a number of different reasons but doing the course isn’t one of them.

When I got it, I put on a set of D’Addario Phosphor Bronze strings and they made a huge difference to the sound. However, I haven’t changed them in almost three years. I recently got a new set as a gift and I’m looking forward to changing them. I’ve always liked the sound of new strings.

After finishing the course, I had this waiting on me.

I bought it used and I’m very pleased with the condition but… damn!
It is all kinds of funky nasty. I’m looking forward to giving it a deep cleaning and restring.


Is that a deep midnight blue? very nice!


Congrats, nice gift you got there, it’s awesome.

Now, do you mean to tell us, you have not played it, and you actually kept it like a dangling carrot at the end of a stick, in front of you, as reward for completion?
What are you useing to test amps and stuff? Is the acoustic electric as well, or do you have a ad on pick up on it?

Congrats again. How did you score on your he quiz at the end? You did them all on fast workout, right?


Are those your only two Basses?


A midnight blue would be really cool but it’s just the lighting. It’s some kind of royal blue.


Nice weapon👌


That’s nice.
I think my next bass purchase will be that exact one.
Let me know how it sounds.


Twins! Sort of.

I often wish the fretboard on my fretless was lined. It would definitely make finding the right pitch easier…

Also, happy birthday!


this JB looks like a 90’s MIM Standard , a friend had a Stratocaster with the same color (apparently) and the same CBS logo. I myself had a 90’s MIM Standard Strat too but I sold it a long time ago.


bass bass1 bass2 bass3

Here you go Eric. About Sire indeed I see great reviews. I’m looking more for a heavy metal bass and I think the Jackson series X David Ellefson sound good to me!! and I really like Jackson’s guitar


I had a look at the Tom Araya bass and looks absolutely stunning but I’m not convince about it. I might stick with Jackson series X by David Ellefson. I really like Jackson and I think it is a great bass :slight_smile:


Yeah, That’s where my experience differs with yours, I love ESP LTD, and have one, and may be getting a great deal on another. They are very good quality and play like a dream.

I do like the look of the Jackson Basses, but have never had a chance to play one.

Have you ever played an ESP LTD?

I do want a chance to try a Jackson when stores open tho.


Just purchased a yamaha BB435. All this talk of gear seems to have given me GAS. Pictures when it arrives…


Ain’t that the truth?


Photo I took today. :heart_eyes:




That’s what I was thinking. At least something in the SR lineup


Yep. Just the two. Eventually I would like to get another electric Bass. That way I can have one to experiment with while still having one to be my main player. Like setting up one for BEAD.

It’s a Dean EAB, Electric Acoustic Bass. The electronics are awful. I’ve heard they have upgraded the electronics on the newer models but they seemed to have sacrificed build quality in other areas.

I don’t know if you can tell in the picture but the Dean is really big. I like having an acoustic for the quick pick up and play but if I knew then what I know now, I would have chosen something more guitar sized.

You’re a monster when it comes to testing out the used market. That you have a whole setup for testing out used gear makes you the rarity. I just use whatever is in the music store and try to play with as much stuff as I can. :grinning:

Absolutely not! :rofl: I wasn’t expecting it for another week. Since I got it early, it made an appearance in Module 16. :+1:

Thank you! Not Super BadAss. I got Billie Jean on fast but their were a number of others that I just wasn’t interested in to fight through getting them on fast. I did make notes on every lesson and I’ll be going back through the course at least one more time.

@terb Good eye. It’s from the same era. 2001