Show Us Your Basses (Part 1)

What would a bass forum be without us showing each other our toys? I’ll go first.

First, my main bass, the trusty Peavey Cirrus 4 string I’ve had for probably a decade.

I recently acquired its evil twin, a Cirrus 5 from the same era.

Another recent addition I haven’t quite fallen in love with yet is my MIM Fender Jazz 5 string. It sounds nice and plays well, I don’t know what I don’t like about it… we just haven’t created a special bond yet.

Okay, I LOVE this bass. It’s a MIJ vintage reissue Fender Precision bass, either 1991 or 1992. I’ve got big fat LaBella flatwounds on it just like Jamerson used:

The last one I’ll show you is my weird ass Eastwood EUB-1, a tribute to the old Ampeg AEB basses from the 60’s. It’s the only bass I’ve ever seen with through-body F holes. I wish I took it in public more, it’s so pretty.

The other axes hiding on the stand back there are my MIM Fender Strat, which is NOT allowed to be photographed in this thread since it’s a guitar :), and my cheapo Michael Kelly acoustic electric bass.

That’s it for me, now show me what you got!


Funny story about my bass, I was on a mountain biking trip and we had gone through Vegas. I was killing some time in the casino and won $500 (it was a lot to me at the time). I had always wanted to learn how to play bass, so when I got back home, I bought this Ibanez TR 100 (I think it’s a 100).

I played around with it a little and lost interest (there was no killer online Josh lessons at the time), so I sold the bass to my best friend.

Fast forward 20 years…I knew the my friend still had the bass and it was collecting dust. He needed some motorcycle pants (which I had extras), so I traded him a pair for my old bass back.

Now she is back home. I’m not sure how long I’ll have her as I’m already looking for a replacement (maybe something that doesn’t look so…90’s).


I’m using a Fender Mustang as my main bass. I like the short scale, it’s easier on my T-Rex arms. I like to tinker with stuff, so I put a better bridge on it, and a thumb rest. I like the old school look of the thumb rest, and it’s actually useful. It’s more comfortable than mashing my thumb into the pickup. I have other basses, but I’m only allowed to post one picture.

I liked the racing stripe on the old Mustang Pawn shop bass, so I got a racing stripe for this one, since a real Pawn Shop bass is a little spendy. I put La Bella flats on it, on the recommendation of another bass cat. Very easy on the fingers and slightly muted. I’m not a loud player anyway. I like this setup, but then again, I don’t know what I don’t know.

My other basses are a Fender Jaguar short scale. I take that one on the road with me. I’m a corporate pilot, and have time to practice in the hotel room. My long scale basses are a Fender P/J and a Peavey Foundation. Once I get more proficient at playing, I’ll get those back out. I may sell, or trade in the P/J bass for a Jazz bass.


A picture to follow - I did my homework and went with Bass Buzz’s recommended overall - Yamaha TRBX304. There was only one left at Guitar Center in Mist Green - so it is coming from the other side of the country.


That’s cool that it came back to you like that!

Yeah, between the blue finish, the angles on the headstock, looks like you might need a perm to play that thing. :stuck_out_tongue:

If you want to stick with Ibanez, the SR line is pretty cool in my experience, and I think they start in the area of $350 or so.


Ooh nice! I like those Mustangs! I almost impulse bought one a few months ago because I saw Janek Gwizdala do the same thing in one of his videos. :slight_smile:

That paint job is beautiful!


Funny you should mention the SR line, I’m looking at the SR870…or get that perm.


Ibanez GSRM20 Mikro Short-Scale Bass nothing fancy ! It’s fun to play on though!


Here’s my Fender American Elite


I just got released to post multiple pictures. So here are the rest of my basses.

Beaver Creek short scale acoustic/electric

Fender P/J. I’m going to sell or trade this for a Jazz bass.

Peavey Foundation

Fender Jaguar short scale.

My very first bass. A $90 Rogue, I’ve had for over 10 years. It lives in the garage with the drums. My drum instructor plays a little bass and we will jam a bit, so he can teach me how to play with another instrument.


That is my dream bass!

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My bass is a Marcus Miller Sire V7. This is my first (and only) bass. I really like it. I had a setup done, which lowered the strings which were kind of high when I got it. Great bass, although I don’t have another bass to compare it to.



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Nice collection! That short scale acoustic looks like fun to play. And that Foundation bass looks really cool! Love the headstock.


Nice! Someone was just asking me about those on our beginner bass reviews page, I haven’t had a chance to play one yet. I’m intrigued.


Just picked up this new bass yesterday ! ibanez sr250

cat approves!


That’s a cool paint job.


Here’s mine. It’s a 2017 Musicman Caprice that I was lucky enough to find gently used. My mandolin is also pictured. I like to cover both ends of the tonal spectrum. :grinning:


I traded my PJ bass, short scale acoustic and a short scale 6 string for this Fender J bass and a Squier Stratocaster, which, I obviously cannot show here. :wink:

Colbie likes to photobomb.


How do you like your elite? I’m thinking about investing in a bass upgrade and have been looking at the American elites.

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