Show Us Your Basses (Part 1)

Love the Maiden Neck Plate. Super rad.


Looks nice @coffa! Good spot to keep it too, easy access if the cats want to learn bass along with you. :cat: :guitar: :exploding_head:


Beautiful instrument.

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I picked these up this morning. A Kimberly Beatle Bass and a Hohner Yellow Bass (no idea what model ). Both play pretty nice. A trusted friend has them for a serious cleaning and setup.


Got started on bass a little less than two months ago, and got a Precision copy made by aUK company called Vintage. I think it is a great beginner’s bass. Yesterday, I couldn’t help myself but acquire a hardly used Yamaha TRB5PII, which should keep my bass needs covered for quite a while :grinning:


Hey Josh, still loving the course although Billie Jean gave me twisted fingers over the weekend!!!
Did the medium pace though!
The fast was messy although I had it for 5 seconds!!!
Still plugging away on the Fender Acoustic but still looking at an electric. I was wondering if you knew anything about the Yamaha BB 234 ? I’ve seen an excellent deal and the reviews look decent. But wondered if you or anyone else on here have any experience of this model?
I’m on quite a limited budget, but look the look of it.
I’m getting a Vox amp as they originated in the next town (Dartford) along from where I grew up - so it felt like the right thing to do :blush:



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Cute basses @lopeha!

Nice @joergkutter! Pretty wide spread stylistically from the 4-string P to the 5-string with humbuckers and 24 frets. :slight_smile:

@yowser180, I haven’t tried the Yamaha BB series, but I’m sure they’re at least fine to learn on. Interesting body shape! Also FYI, you can always edit your own posts for typos/etc. by clicking the ellipsis (…) and then the pencil icon.

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Cool - thanks Josh :+1:t3:


The versatility is kinda what I was going for :grin: Now, which strings to choose for the P5II (which still has the original set on them)…?


Well, I’ve liked Elixirs on my “modern” basses for a long time, but to be fair there’s a bazillion strings I haven’t tested. If you want slick roundwounds they’re worth a try though.

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I was learning cello when I was 8. Something similar to playing a Josh killer crash at the first few lessons. But it took 2 to 3 year instead of Josh’s light time. Ok that bass sound was sticking for a few years and after those years I’m not continuing the cheapy course due to changing instructor. She was scouring people. Then after millions of years I saw this bass.! 15490091025117038949362449830172|375x500 you think ya you want to pick that up. so talking to this instructor, he let me into a course. But this 6 string is more expensive. So I first get into a cheaper course that came along with a Yamaha beginners 4 string. I played with him during this 6 months course. That Yamaha did sound as good as this 6 string bass, so I swapped with him paying some more to got this. That instructor would have this patient to stick these cut outs!

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That instructor teaching me some songs, jingle bell, stand by me…and this Je tagine mon non plus. Not gay ok but just sexy :joy:

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@meyouem - that bass in incredible!!!


Gio, still, this is Ibenze. After seeing the review on GSR and yes this also have some Ibenze problems. Bass boost and some buzz. At first I thought that was the way of a bass. It made my head itchy for some months. I don’t know what is happening. But now with you guys video, I begun to have more understanding out of it. Thanks a lot.

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The bass you have has very different pickups and electronics than the GSR200 we reviewed, not sure why you’re having buzzing problems but you shouldn’t get that with humbucking pickups! Maybe take it to a local music/guitar shop and see if anything’s wrong with it.

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@meyouem: It might have to do with your amp not being properly grounded…



:slight_smile:I might need to review what I had got and try to understand more about bass​:sweat: