Song 1 - "Another Brick in the Wall" by Pink Floyd

For remembering the 7x section, I think that will be a challenge for all of us. I’m going to try and count each section in my head, but we’ll see how it goes. I know this song very well as Pink Floyd is one of my favorite bands, so I might just feel it. We’ll have to see. But you are right that keeping track of where you are in a song is one of those challenges of learning a full song as opposed to just a riff in a song. Most songs follow a traditional pattern (with some variances here and there) that makes this easier to do, but then you get others like this one that break that a bit more than average.

While we’re on song construction, I’ve just made a separate thread here to talk about that as it will probably help some people with these challenges.

For the DAW issue. This is hard to diagnose. But when I was first connecting mine, I had to do a few things to get it to work. Firstly, I had to change the input to my DAI as it defaulted to my webcam mic. Then it was trying to blend both channels (mic _ bass in my instance) on my DAI together, so I had to tell it to stop doing that. Then when I made a track there was Guitar/Bass, which seemed the logical choice to me, and Amp. Turns out Guitar/Bass is more for like a MIDI thing and not an actual Guitar/Bass, so Amp was the right one in my DAW. Anyway, there are tons of people around here that are great with DAWs and recording. There are many threads on the topic if you want to add to those or make your own. Or, hop on Discord and have a conversation there about it.

I’m sure you’ll nail this song. Keep it going. :slight_smile: