I’m glad so many people are really going for it. Makes it a much more enjoyable and impactful experience when you have a classroom type feel to it.
Right there with ya, this place gave me the comfort level to post my first recordings-- knowing even if it totally sucked, I would only be getting a lot of helpful criticism. I love that others still feel the same way. This is a safe space, in a good way
I think the fact that it’s technically geared towards beginners also helps keep out a lot of the elitism and snark that can plague other musician forums. And when that toxicity does occasionally creep in, forum members do a good job of self-policing it.
I LOVE that Simpson clip!
My kids were hauling at this last year when I started playing. It was SO on point!
One day I got a used bass and shit amp, two weeks later GAS sank in and the house began to fill with stuff…
OK, here it goes.
Much like @John_E and @bjams, I never posted anything before, and they already described how I feel better than I can.
This is audio only, as I found it too time consuming to sync my audio and video. I’ll try it for future weeks, but with the time I have for hobbies (or lack thereof) I try to minimize my fiddling and maximize my playing. This is a great benefit of this challenge, dealing with recording, software, sound etc. Another steep earning curve.
Now, “keep in mind that I’m an artist, and I’m sensitive about my shit!”.
(Bonus points for the first to reference the quote).
Recorded via Focusrite Solo DAI, direct in, with ProTools First DAW.
Backing track provided on this thread, and no processing on the audio.
At the solo part I lost my concentration for a moment, but if I want to ever upload, I have to go with less-than-perfect, or it will never be up here…
What are you using?
DAI (the audio interface):
OS (Win/Mac/Linux):
DAW (Recording software):
Maybe DM me if you still need help, not to spam the thread.
Sounds really good to me! Well done on this. Only thing I noticed was that you had a couple extra 5-3-5s at the end, but that’s no big deal. I kinda like how you faded it out.
BTW, if you want to sync up video and audio, I’ve found the easiest way is to do what’s in this video. No big deal to have audio only though. An alternative is to sync audio and video while you actually record. For that, I recommend OBS, but you can’t do that if you are using a phone video and it’s not connected to your computer while you record. Again though, don’t stress having video.
Anyway, well done again! How did you like learning it and playing it?
This sounds great! Congratulations!!!
I like the kind of muffled tone of your bass.
Great job @y.farkash! Very nice tone you have for this song!
Great work @y.farkash ! Tone, mixing, and playing were all on point. And I don’t think we’re necessarily seeking perfection here – what makes it “non-perfect” is also what makes it unique and interesting
Awesome job for your first posted recording.
Thanks for the input.
I did initially try OBS and was playing with dialing in the offset between the video and audio but never got it right, so I just went with audio alone. I’ll keep working on it.
Maybe it is too much for my computer, it is a 4th generation i5, about 8 years old now. Recording the video, audio, and playing the backing track all at the same time might just be too much.
@JT, @Regina, @JerryP, @bjams - Thank you for the kind words.
I do like the tone, and its a good thing as it is the only tone I get!
I have a second hand TRBX174 and the bridge pickup is way too staticy, so I am only using the neck one. I guess I do play with the tone dial but that is the amount of control I get.
I have flat wounds on, which I tried during my severe initial infection with GAS (I seem to have developped some immunity by now luckily). I love the muddy tone, but even more so I love the sensation of the flat wounds on the fingers. You can just glide your finger on them to get a gentle tone, almost caressing the strings. The fade out in the end is not done with the volume knob or in the software, I just play gentler and gentler.
Can’t wait to hear everyone versions!
Guys, this is only one of two online communities I am a memebr of and I would have never imagined how positive and uplifting it is. I am a bit old style and like meeting people face to face. I tend to discount online interactions as second-grade, but for a change I am really happy to be proven wrong!
Got it sorted, but thanks much!
The song was originally played on a P base so using just the front pickup is actually a good choice. I like what you did
Thank you!
excellent work @y.farkash . I was trying a play through tonight. Didn’t go as well as I hoped. After the first verse and the end of the 4th 5-5-0-3 run I got a little lost. It doesn’t sound/feel like it should go to the G…feels/sounds like the 5-5-0-3 bits should continue. Am I mis reading the sheet music I wonder?
Sounds like you’re reading it right - it goes to the G following the 4th D-D-A-C…
Maybe listen to the song (with bass) a bunch of times, and listen for that transition. It seems natural to me, but I’ve been listening to the song for 40 yrs
will do. probably will need to throw on some headphones and crank the bass up. I’m not at 40 years yet…probably closer to 30, but it sure hasn’t been constant. It was on heavy rotation in high school, but that was usually through staying up late and watching the VHS I had of the movie.
One thing I just wanted to throw out there for other 4 stringers…
When you slide up to the 12th fret on the E string (yes, technically it’s a D string, but since there is another D string, I’ll call it the E string) and play the D-C-D, the tab then has you shift down to the 5th fret on the A string to play the D there twice followed by the open A before shifting to the E string for the G at the 5th fret.
I just stay on the 12th fret for the 2 D’s, then play the open A and shift to the 5th fret of the E string - just feels like an easier shift for me (same string, and can shift during an open string pluck).
Just in case it’s useful to anyone…
Funny - I was gonna add “…and watching the movie”
Specifically to your questions, you were talking about the transition from bar 14 to 15, and yes, you go to the G. This is where the background guitar (the quieter of the two) sounds very clear, holding the chord with rapid chord-playing while you hold the G note.
There was some discussion about the song structure and transitions earlier on. I didn’t really have much to add because I kind of play this one by feel. Like @skydvr, I’ve heard this song so many times as a teen that I pretty much know every movement and every note. I didn’t really have to think about it, I have all the different instruments and singer playing in my head along with me.
I can only repeat what @skydvr said - just listen to it a bunch of times (the original with bass), each time concentrating on a different instrument/part/voice until you just know the song in and out. Then, it just kind of plays in my head (as well as the backing track) as I play along and I just “know” where I am and what should be coming. I am sure that if this is not the style of music you enjoy listening to, it is easier said than done…
Sorry if it sounds pretentious, but with such an iconic song from my youth, knowing the structure and where I am in the song really was easy (and fun!).
Another thing I do (sometimes with my kid when we work on songs together, he’s on guitar), is that after we listen to it a bunch of times together and make sure he know the chords, we sing along while tracing the progression of the song on the sheet music. We sing along with the lyrics, if there are drum transitions we “air-drum” it, if there is a solo we sing the solo. This really helps to have this “mental map”, this feeling of having the whole thing playing in my head as I play along. It also helps in understanding how the sheet music notations (repeat, repeat with different ending etc.) works. Again, kind of easy to do with songs you already like and listen to…
I will have to remember my own advice in future weeks, as we get to work on songs I don’t know, or styles I don’t like as much.