Song 27 - "My Sharona" by The Knack

Song: My Sharona
Artist: The Knack
Tuning: Standard (EADG)

Spotify Link

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I deliberately skipped over this one because I always found elements of it a little annoying (the wooohs! and stuff). I was afraid listening to this over and over again would drive me insane. To my surprise, I ended up liking the song a lot more after learning it. In particular I like the instrumental part and love the drummer. He pounds the crap out of his kit in that part and the whole recording has a raw intensity to it I hadn’t appreciated before. It kind of feels like you’re in the band when you play this one. Thanks for checking it out.


That sounds like a lot more fun than I thought it would be. Nice job, you nailed it.

That’s how I feel about a lot of songs on this list too, I should probably give some of them a honest try.

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Yep. Looks fun. Sounds great.
Still hate hate hate this tune from way back when. Lol.

You did great here!

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Thanks @Paul_9207 and @John_E!

The key with a song like this is to not do too many takes. After 4 good minutes I completely missed the transition out of the instrumental. I opted to punch in and fix it instead of re-recording it. Figured I’d quit before I start hating the song again.

Haha, believe me I get it. Did you know there is a real Sharona? I didn’t, but it’s an interesting story. It’s kind of sweet and sad and could probably be a Hollywood movie

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Great job!

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Cool story! Thanks!

I used to own a Suzuki Verona. Guess what song got stuck in my head every time I would go to get in the car? :crazy_face:

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M-M-M-My Sharona!

This marks 25 out of 50 on the challenge…They are certainly taking more time to work through at this point. With that said, I was able to get to my final take with just over a dozen attempts so that’s quite pleasing. Some simplifications in the bridge area were done, and why the heck did I think the group name was The Knacks…must be a Midwest thing.

Anyways, we did this one with the JINO bass - H pickup off and preamp off as well. Both bridge and neck pickups at full volume. Ran into the Cali 76 compressor and then into the Darkglass 500v2 head.

Recorded with Garageband and OBS. Finished with iMovie. Thanks for checking it out!


SoR performance of My Sharona…this time, we had the best guitarist I have had in class with me. He’s there to learn vocals. But the other guitarists were feeling intimidated by the big (second) guitar solo, so he said he’d try it. He came back the next week and blew us all away. How do you learn that solo in a week? Play guitar for 16 years before that week. So much fun! And he’s a good singer too…even though the lyrics haven’t aged well.


That was a fun performance, nicely done! Not an easy one to pull off live for sure.

Haha so true, he really did nail it!

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Think I can say this is good enough to move on, it is far from perfect, a lot of small things I didn’t remember the right way. :slight_smile: I think Prescott Niles uses a thumbpick, but I don’t have one, so I went with a regular pick.


I really felt the groove in the start of the song! A couple less than smooth transitions but it was pretty solid. The groove kinda got lost in the second half of the song during the solos but you got it back on track for the outro. All in all, good work.

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Thanks for the feedback @cheeze_pizza I will redo it If I am forced to play it.:slight_smile: Hehe, I think I need to work on learing the songs better. I lose it when I stand and try to read.

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Good lord why on earth is this song nearly 5 minutes long.
That is probably why I despise it so much.
I agree wtih @cheeze_pizza’s assessment.
Solo area you were a little late on the beat, maybe as you said not knowing the song well enough? I find learning the back half of the song first can be useful as it is usually the part I know the least as well.
This is a tough one, I think you did a great job - if you were in a cover band, no one would ever know you made a mistake.

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mmmmmmmmmmmmmy sherona.
Far from perfect, but good enough for me


Great tone, a bit out of groove sometimes I think. But this is great for reference as you move on. :slight_smile: Keep up the good work!

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Agree with @Johnnyb - out of time quite a bit and rushing ahead and fighting to keep up.
This generally might mean this song is a bit too difficult for you or you just need more time with it.

Be wary of rushing through things just to finish them, it’s not worth it in the long run.

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Yeah, your both right, rushing quite a bit throughout.
I’ll circle back to this one at some point for a better take .


So it turns out the latency for my audio inputs changed after updating to windows 11, and from testing its is about 90ms off. (latency from -190ms → -100ms)
That doesn’t fix all the issue in the take, but it does make a noticeable difference.

Good news is that’s a much easier fix, uploaded synced audio version:


Sounds fantastic!!!

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