Sticking to a Single Bass Syndrome (SSBS)

Steve Harris gets new strings before every show. Everyone has their own thing.

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I probably would too if I was a giant touring guy with guitar tech.
I’d also have a personal trainer and not be such a fata$$, and have someone style my clothes, and have a girlfriend/wife that doesn’t complain about how many basses there are…oh to dream the dream!


Still prefer rounds even for those genres. You can just tweak the sound to make it sound duller.


Me too (I will always prefer the feel of rounds to flats regardless, rounds just feel better to play to me.)

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I’ve just got the one bass now, my EB MM stingray special that I absolutely love. Nothing else I’ve played has been able to measure up EXCEPT the fretless Fender I rented back in March. I enjoyed that one, but I hated the color, so I returned it and got the Fender American Pro II but I didn’t like it as much, and for what it cost, I couldn’t justify keeping it so I got rid of it. I might get another fretless at some point but right now I’m good with just the EB.


Find a Ibanez ergodyne. It’s like a Chameleon,
I had one and loved it
I traded it in on a goth firebird
What a mistake.
Good luck on your journey :grin:


Replacing the bridges on all my guitars and Bass’s has always been one of the first things I typically do along with removing stock strings and replacing them with ones that I like using.

I’ve always used Babitz on my Tele’s, and have one bass (Yamaha TRBX174EW - tuned to BEAD) that has a Babitz on it also. My favorite bridges are the Hipshot Kickass bridges that I have installed on my Yamaha TRBX304 and my MIM Fender P bass. My MIM Fender PJ Special Deluxe (P body with J neck) came standard with Fenders Full Contact bridge and it’s pretty decent - sort of a cross between the Babitz and the Hipshot…

As far as “Difference in tone”, it is subtle yet noticeable especially with sustain. I can also hear and feel somewhat more richness and fullness in the notes as if more harmonics are being passed to the body from the bridge.

It’s all up to what the individual is looking for. Some musicians say they notice nothing at all while others notice more of a change. One of the biggest things I do like about full contact bridges - especially the Kickass is that they are fully adjustable and are not susceptible to any side to side movement when I’m digging in. With the Babitz, string action is controlled ising a “cam” - bit different than the Kickass that has replaceable “saddles” for the strings.


Guess I’ve never had to deal with that one @leonard….

When I was younger I had a couple very expensive hobbies (custom classics and motorcycles). Now when I want a new bass, gear, or even another gun for my collection, all I have to say is “Honey, I think I’d like to get back into restoring classics or maybe back into bikes again”…. Her immediate comment is always, “Wouldn’t you rather have a new bass or a new gun instead?”….


Very informative.
Thank you.

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Talking of strings, I don’t change any on any of my basses, but one thing that has definitely stood out is that every single bass I have, the strings have eventually settled to their own sort of tone.

All except one. The fender ultra jazz came with the standard fender 7250 or whatever the stock roundwound ones are called. Same as a couple of others. Yet the ultra still sounds “spanky” if you know what I mean. I can get a similar effect if i dig in on some of the other basses, but on the ultra, it just sounds like that all the time. And I’ve battered this jazz, twice a week for hours and hours for bloody ages now, in a studio and it’s still bright. I’m not sure it’s the strings but maybe something else the other basses don’t have / can’t do as well. Really not sure, but really glad :slight_smile:

Who changes your strings?


No-one :slight_smile:

I just leave what’s on them

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You know they were just kidding when they said you would
‘Lose the funk if you get rid of the gunk’, right :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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No idea, I just can’t be arsed to change them :slight_smile:

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No need to while you’re still happy with the sound and feel.

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Yeah, they all sing their own voice, that’s for sure. I like it like that


I have just an Ibanez 650E (I think) and what sold me to it in the first place is how comfortable it is. It has a thin body and is tapered to wear like a second shirt. Like someone else posted, tone nowadays can always be modified by any DAW (or even pedal).

I actually own a Cort Action bass too but it, as well as my Ampeg amp, is stuck in another country that I cannot reach now due to this stupid virus closing everything.

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Plus the 650E has great tone anyway :slight_smile:

Seriously those Nordstrands sound awesome.

I really love my TRBX604 for the same reason. Comfy to wear, fun and easy to play.