The Cort Action PJ

Well, in that case, I guess I can name two of py Basses.
When I was young, all I ever wanted was a dog. My parents would not let me have one, because they didn’t want to take care of it, and didn’t think I would. In all fairness, they were probably right.
Over the yearsas a child thru late teens, I have had many pets, but only ones thT live in tanks or cages. Cats were out of the question, due to my mother’s allergy. Hamsters, parakeets ( the longest living pet, that bird lasted like 12 years) mice, rats, fish, snakes (lots of snakes, I bred them for a while), but no dog.
So, one of my driving motivators for leaving home was to get a dog. As the time grew near, I narrowed down breed, found a private breeder, and put a deposit down for pick of the litter, female.
I was notified when the pups were born, visited at 2 weeks, again at 4 weeks to pick my girl, again at 6 weeks, and picked her up at 8 weeks.
She was the cutest of the 2 girls in the litter, and had a split in her tongue she looked like a little fluffy bear, Rottweiler puppy’s, are hands down the cutest pups in the world.
She went everywhere with us (my X wife and I), she slept with us, ate with us, watched tv with us (yes, she was a TV watching dog), and my X wife worked as a Vet Tech, so she took her. To work with her every day. She was like our child before we ever had kids. The was the calmest, friendliest, loveable, most loyal dog that ever lived. When we went out, we left the TV on for her and she watched it. People say dogs can’t see TV with their eyes, well she could. I have seen her go for a hot dog that a guy on TV had in his hand. She would wait by the TV when she wanted it on.
When we had our first daughter, everybody asked us what we were gonna do with the dog. We would ask them what they meant, they would say “ she is a Rottweiler, you cans have her around a baby”
I would tell them I felt that my daughter would be safer around my dog them the person I was talking to. We had 3 daughters, and she loved each one of them. They would crawl all over her, and she never so much as let out a low growl. She looked out for them, herded them, was protective of them around strangers.
She was Family.
I named he Mallory Knox
leaving her at the vet to when she had to be euthanized, Was one of the hardest things I had to do in my entire life. I left with sunglasses on tears pouring out of my eyes. I am tearing up just typing about it. I was so down and depressed, I went to a friends, got N OC-80, chewed it up and let it take me away.
I got anotther Royt, named her Mallory Too. We had Kids and much busier lives when we raised her. She was never close to the same as our first.

Someday, when I have a living situation that will allow me to have a dog, I will get another Female Rottweiler, and Probably name her Mallory Knox the 3rd.

I only have one Bass I can name Mallory, my Sterling SubRay. It’s Black and Orange, and growls for me, but is tame at the same time.

So meet Mallory Knox, she is a Natural Born Killer.

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Hello Peter!

I have the same bass atm which I bought 4 years ago and never touched it properly until I met Josh.

I did not know about the SETUP back then and after following the “Fedora Guy” videos on YouTube I got my hands dirty this time around but was never truly satisfied. There was always a “what if I messed something up”.

I took it to a local shop recently and they gave the old girl a good cleaning, lubrication (orange oil in my case) and new strings (smaller gauge than the original to have them softer).

When I got home super excited I have sadly noticed that the action was super high for me. Somehow after playing only 10+ days I had already made a habit for low action and I got them low again using the saddles on the bridge.

The guy used a tool to measure the “under string radius” to match the string orientation to the neck which was not used by the “Fedora Guy” and now I am curious was that really a must.

What are your numbers for the action height?

Also for a total noob

Could you please explain what is a TLC?

What do you have to do with “Zoom B1X Four” is that something that I can do with my Focusrite Scarlet Solo as well?

My bass looks exactly like yours but the knobs are controlling the bridges independently it seemed. Now I have doubts on it!

Thanks for sharing!


TLC. Means - Tender Love and Care

It is an expression that, in this case would mean, you spend a little extra time on something to get it just right


Ah… now I have to cancel my online order…

Aguilar TLC Compressor

Thanks for the info!


:joy: :laughing: :rofl:

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@T_dub and @peterhuppertz would you guys have any idea about the understring radius measurement and if it would effect the action height or not?


Sorry for my late reply – I’ve been VERY busy!

Quite frankly, no, I have no idea.
What I did:

  2. Press down the E-string at the first fret and at the highest fret (24 on this bass) and then guesstimate the clearance between the E-string and the 12th fret… it should be about the distance of the thickness of a business card. If it’s not, adjust the truss rod. Clockwise if there is too much clearance, counterclockwise if there’s too little. Take small steps – of maximum 1/4 turn!
  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 until this is done. Mind you, ALSO execute step 1 (tuning).

Now it’s time to adjust the action height. There is no hard and fast rule for how high the action has to be – it also depends on your playing style. If you have a genteel touch, your action can probably be lower than when you pluck the strings like Geddy Lee.
Play each string on each fret the same way you would normally play it, and see if there is buzz. You shouldn’t have string buzz on the lower frets – if you do, something went wrong in the above procedures… but the closer you get to the middle, the higher the chance of string buzz. I had buzz on the eleventh fret when I got to setting the action height.
If you have string buzz during your initial evaluation, lift the action by raising the saddle of the offending string by a quarter turn on both sides of the saddle. Repeat until no buzz.
If you have no string buzz, start lowering the saddle until you do… and then go a quarter turn back up to make it disappear again.

When you’re done doing that, your tuning and your intonation are likely to be slightly off.

The Zoom B1X Four and the Focusrite Scarlett are two different animals. I don’t think the Scarlett Solo has tone control?

The way to find out is to turn back the knob closest to the neck. If you play yuour bass and you get deceptively little sound, you have the same arrangement I have.
If you still get sound out of your amp, yours is different.

For me, the middle knob changes the character of the sound, which indicates that this knob balances the pickup outputs. If yours is different, you have the arrangement that Josh describes: the uppermost pot controls the neck pickup volume; the middle knob controls the bridge pickup volume.


Thank you @peterhuppertz,

Yeah this was pretty much what I did originally with my old strings before taking it to the shop. So we are on the same page there awesome!

For the knobs I have figured out that mine are basically separate volume controls for bridge and neck pick ups respectively. It was easier to touch to the magnets lightly with a screw driver to while each knob was cranked by itself.

Yeah Scarlet Solo does not have tone control on the panel so I cannot get any effects from my direct monitor output. I could do some after effects with some delay I guess.

Thanks again for the info! I don’t mind the delay at all!


Sorry, no, I don’t know.
@peterhuppertz gave you excellent advice, and starting points for troubleshooting and fixing it however.


A year and a quarter later I’m still in love with my Cort Action PJ. A mate who is a much better musician than I am - and actual multi-instrumentalist musician - was blown away with it, and got some amazing sounds out of it (I’ll get there).
I just saw Billy Sheehan’s bass setup video, followed his advice, and was surprised to see what a bow was in the neck - my bad for not noticing how much higher the strings were off the lower frets.
About to adjust the truss rod (I’m not a slapper either) and if this baby plays any better…